
Posts Tagged ‘Robert Duncan’


Special Issue

A Festschrift for Burton Hatlen

Edited by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos




Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “Burton Norval Hatlen (1936-2008)”

Dove Sta Memora

Essays on and in Honor of Burton Hatlen

Marjorie Perloff, “In Memoriam: Burton Hatlen (1936-2008)

Ellen Keck Stauder, “Of Rhythm, Image and Knowing: Burton Hatlen as a Reader of Pound”

Sara Dunton, “Hatlen’s H.D.”

Christopher MacGowan, “Burt Hatlen on William Carlos Williams”

Barrett Watten, “Thanking Through Orono: After Poetry of the 1970’s (2008)

Kaplan Harris, “Editing After Pound”

Trevor Sawler, “Burton Hatlen: An Annotated Bibliography”

On George Oppen

Kathleen D’Angelo, “‘The Sequence of Disclosure’: The Truth Hidden in Things in George Oppen’s Discrete Series

Duncan Dobbelmann, “‘A Ferocious Mumbling in Public’: How George Oppen Came to Be Canonized”

Burton Hatlen, “Oppen and the Unspeakable”

Joseph Noble, “George Oppen’s Discrete Series: Things Among Others”

Siobhan Scarry, “Oppen’s ‘We’ and the Poetics of the First Person Plural”

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “The Prosody of George Oppen Poetry of the 1960’s—’Tho It Is Impenetrable'”


Ira Nadel, “Ezra Pound and MI5”

Zhaoming Qian, “Mai-Mai Sze, The Tao, and Moore’s Late Poetry”

Joshua Corey, “Robert Duncan’s Visionary Ecology”

Richard Owens, “Dissociations: The McCaffery-Prynne Debate”




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SPRING and FALL 2006
(publication date 2008)



George Bornstein, “What Does a Collected Edition Collect? Mapping Modernist Poetry”

Carla Billitteri, “The Passion of Becoming an Object”

Thomas Day, “‘A Broken Coriolanus’: Poetics, Politics, and Self-Surrender”

Enikő Bollobás, “Canon Politics and Experimental Writing: The Example of L’Encre Sympathique of Robert Duncan’s H.D. Book

Donna Krolik Hollenberg, “‘The Deeper Unsatisfied War’: Robert Duncan’s Poems for H.D.”

Catherine A. Rogers, “H.D.’s Erotic and Aesthetic Gospel in Notes on Thought and Vision

Richard A. Iadonisi, “Amy Lowell and the Gendered Aesthetics of Haiku”

Patricia Cockram, “Tard, Très Tard: Ezra Pound and France”

Zhaoming Qian, “Ezra Pound and His First Chinese Contact for and against Confucianism”

J. Mark Smith, “The Sign of the Translators: I. A. Richards, Ezra Pound, and ‘Debabelization'”

Mark McMorris, “Zukofsky’s Bilingual Catullus: Theoretical Articulations”


Stephen J. Adams (Cavalcanti: A Perspective on the Music of Ezra Pound, ed. Robert Hughes and Margaret Fisher; and Margaret Fisher, Ezra Pound’s Radio Operas)

Bernard Dew (The Ezra Pound Encyclopedia, ed. Demetres Tryphonopoulos and Stephen J. Adams)

Timothy Materer (Miranda B. Hickman, The Geometry of Modernism: The Vorticist Idiom in Lewis, Pound, H. D., and Yeats)

Lesley Wheeler (Cristanne Miller, Cultures of Modernism: Marianne Moore, Mina Loy, and Else Lasker-Schuler: Gender and Literary Community in New York and Berlin; and Critics and Poets on Marianne Moore: “A Right Good Salvo of Barks,” ed. Linda Leavell, Cristanne Miller, and Robin G. Schulze)

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This issue of PAIDEUMA
Louis Zukofsky


Dove Sta Memora

Celia Zukofsky, “1927-1972”

Basil Bunting, “Pound and ‘Zuk'”

George Oppen, “My Debt to Him”

Ian Hamilton Finlay, “In Memory”

Gael Turnbull, “For L.Z. on the Occasion Etc.”

Ronald Johnson, “Wor(l)ds 45, A Spire for the Death of L.Z.”

Robert Creeley, “For L.Z.”

Hugh Kenner, “Louis Zukofsky: All the Words”

Harvey Shapiro, “Thinking of the Zukofskys”

Thomas A. Clark, “In Memoriam, Louis Zukofsky”

Hayden Carruth, “Dear Louis”

Guy Davenport, “Scripta Zukofskii Elogia”

Robert Kelly, “A Book of Solutions”

Gilbert Sorrentino, “Louis Zukofsky”

Michael Andre Bernstein, “A Dyptich for Louis Zukofsky”

Ron Silliman, “Louis Zukofsky”

The Periplum

Louis Zukofsky, “A Foin Lass Bodders”

Hugh Kenner, “Loove in Brooklyn”

Robert Duncan, “Reading Zukofsky These Forty Years”

Charles Tomlinson, “Objectivists: Zukofsky and Oppen, a Memoir”

Cid Corman, “The Transfigured Prose”

Don Byrd, “The Shape of Zukofsky’s Canon”

Barry Ahearn, “The Adams Connection”

The Gallery

Early Pictures of Zuk

Later Pictures of Zuk

L.Z.’s Desk at Port Jefferson

Ms. Page for 80 Flowers

The Explicator

John Taggart, “Zukofsky’s ‘Mantis'”

Peter Quartermain, “Recurrencies: No. 12 of Louis Zukofsky’s Anew

Burton Hatlen, “Catullus Metamorphosed”

The Biographer

David Ignatow “Louis Zukofsky — Two Views”

Hugh Seidman, “L.Z. at Poly Tech (1958-61)”

Harold Schimmel, “Zuk. Yehoash David Rex”

Fielding Dawson, “A Memoir of Louis Zukofsky”

David Gordon, “Zuk and Ez at St. Liz”

Carroll F. Terrell, “Conversations with Celia”

The Bibliographer

Celia Zukofsky, “Year by Year Bibliography of L.Z.”

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