
Posts Tagged ‘Burton Hatlen’


Special Issue

A Festschrift for Burton Hatlen

Edited by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos




Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “Burton Norval Hatlen (1936-2008)”

Dove Sta Memora

Essays on and in Honor of Burton Hatlen

Marjorie Perloff, “In Memoriam: Burton Hatlen (1936-2008)

Ellen Keck Stauder, “Of Rhythm, Image and Knowing: Burton Hatlen as a Reader of Pound”

Sara Dunton, “Hatlen’s H.D.”

Christopher MacGowan, “Burt Hatlen on William Carlos Williams”

Barrett Watten, “Thanking Through Orono: After Poetry of the 1970’s (2008)

Kaplan Harris, “Editing After Pound”

Trevor Sawler, “Burton Hatlen: An Annotated Bibliography”

On George Oppen

Kathleen D’Angelo, “‘The Sequence of Disclosure’: The Truth Hidden in Things in George Oppen’s Discrete Series

Duncan Dobbelmann, “‘A Ferocious Mumbling in Public’: How George Oppen Came to Be Canonized”

Burton Hatlen, “Oppen and the Unspeakable”

Joseph Noble, “George Oppen’s Discrete Series: Things Among Others”

Siobhan Scarry, “Oppen’s ‘We’ and the Poetics of the First Person Plural”

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “The Prosody of George Oppen Poetry of the 1960’s—’Tho It Is Impenetrable'”


Ira Nadel, “Ezra Pound and MI5”

Zhaoming Qian, “Mai-Mai Sze, The Tao, and Moore’s Late Poetry”

Joshua Corey, “Robert Duncan’s Visionary Ecology”

Richard Owens, “Dissociations: The McCaffery-Prynne Debate”




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FALL and WINTER 2005

Special Issue
Edited by Hugh Witemeyer


Hugh Witemeyer, “Introduction: The 20th International Ezra Pound Conference”


Tim Redman, “Ezra Pound and American Populism: The Enduring Influence of Hailey, Idaho”

Alec Marsh, “Homer Pound’s Small Boy and Pound Scholarship”

Homer Somers with William Pratt, “Ezra Pound in the DTC: A Personal Memoir”

Hsiu-ling Lin, “Reconsidering Ezra Pound’s Treason Charge in the Light of American Constitutional Law”


Denis Donoghue, “A Packet for Ezra Pound”

Ira B. Nadel, “The American Image of Ezra Pound”

Sean Francis, “‘Now for a Large-Mouthed Product’: Ezra Pound and the Poetics of Promotion”

Peter Makin, “Pound, Confucian Sincerity, and America”

Roxana Preda, “Social Credit in America: A View from Pound’s Economic Correspondence, 1933-1940”


Burton Hatlen, “Pound’s Cantos and the Epic Mode in American Poetry, 1915-1931″

Ronald Bush, “Pound, Emerson, and Thoreau: The Pisan Cantos and the Politics of American Pastoral”

David Ten Eyck, “Representing the American Republic: Ezra Pound’s Adams and Coke Cantos”


Mary de Rachewiltz, “Mary Barnard: ‘Athene Cd/ Have Done with More Sex Appeal'”

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, “What’s Happening in Hailey, Idaho”

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FALL and WINTER 2004

Special Issue
Edited by Burton Hatlen



Ryan E. Cull, “‘Complexities Which Will Remain Complexities’: The Environmental Epistemology of Marianne Moore”

Jeff Westover, “Value, Commerce, and Economy in the Poetry of Marianne Moore”

Lesley Wheeler and Chris Gavaler, “Imposters and Chameleons: Marianne Moore and the Carlisle Indian School”

David Anderson, “Marianne Moore’s ‘Fertile Procedure’: Fusing Scientific Method and Organic Form through Syllabic Technique”


S. Renée Faubion, “‘This Is No Rune nor Symbol’: The Sensual in H.D.’s Feminized Sublime”

Helen V. Emmitt, “Forgotten memories and Unheard Rhymes: H.D.’s Poetics as a Response to Male Modernism”

Annette Debo, “Whiteness and the Black/White Border in H.D.”

Bret L. Keeling, “Modernist Anonymity and H.D.’s ‘Pygmalion’: Whose Story Is This?”

Aaron Santesso, “Responsibilities: H.D. and Yeats”

Julie Dennison, “Williams and H.D. Figure It Out: Reconceiving the Childbirth Metaphor in ‘His’ Paterson, ‘Her’ Trilogy

Donna Krolik Hollenberg, “‘Within the World of Your Perception’: The Letters of Denise Levertov and H.D.”


Helen Sword (H.D.’s Poetry: “The Meanings That Hide,” ed. Marina Camboni; and Analyzing Freud: Letters of H.D., Bryher, and Their Circle, ed. Susan Stanford Friedman)

Catherine Paul, (The Poems of Marianne Moore, ed. Grace Schulman; and Becoming Marianne Moore, ed. Robin G. Schulze)

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Burton Hatlen, “Carroll F. ‘Terry’ Terrell”

Cameron McWhirter, “Recalling a Modern Master of Words”


Joanne Pearson, “H.D.: Dancing with Variable Feet”

Stephen Kite, “Architecture as Techne: Adrian Stokes, Ezra Pound and the Art of the Machine”

Mitchum Huehls, “Reconceiving Perceiving: William Carlos Williams’ World-Making Words of ‘Kora in Hell: Improvisations'”

Scott Eastham, “In Pound’s China — The Stone Books Speak”

Jianqing Zheng, “Ezra Pound’s Employment of Chinese Images”

Elizabeth F. Judge, “Make It Pound: Translation, Professionalism and the Right to Propertian Discourse in ‘Homage to Sextus Propertius'”


Mark Jacobs (Laura Riding and Robert Graves, A Survey of Modernist Poetry and A Pamphlet against Anthologies, ed. Patrick McGuiness and Charles Mundye)

A. David Moody (Ezra Pound: Poems and Translations, ed. Richard Sieberth)

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Editors’ Note


James Longenbach, “The Dream of Modernism”

Stan Smith, “Constitutions of Silence: Mr. Eliot’s Second Revolution”

Susan Stanford Friedman, “Modernism in a Transnational Landscape: Spatial Poetics, Postcolonialism, and Gender in Césaire’s Cahier/Notebook and Cha’s DICTÉE

Cristanne Miller, “Feminist Location and Mina Loy’s ‘Anglo-Mongrels and the Rose'”

Leon Surette, “Wallace Stevens, Roger Caillois and ‘The Pure Good of Theory'”

Burton Hatlen, “From the Transcendental to the Immanent Sublime: The Poetry of William Carlos Williams, 1913-1917”

Ronald Bush, “Remaking Canto 74”

A. David Moody, “Directio Voluntatis: Pound’s Economics to the Economy of The Cantos

Marjorie Perloff, “The Search for ‘Prime Words’: Pound, Duchamp and the Nominalist Ethos”

Demetres Tryphonopoulos, “‘Fragments of a Faith Forgotten’: Ezra Pound, H.D. and the Occult Tradition”

Zhaoming Qian, “Marianne Moore and The Tao of Painting

Patricia C. Willis, “A Modernist Epithalamium: Marianne Moore’s ‘Marriage'”

Douglas Mao, “Auden and Son: Environment, Evolution, Exhibition”

Peter Nicholls, “George Oppen and ‘That Primitive, Hegel'”

Christopher MacGowan, “Making It Free: Mitchell Goodman’s Radical Williams”

Charles Altieri, “Some Problems with Being Contemporary: Aging Critics, Younger Poets and New Century”

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SPRING and FALL 2000

Special Issue
Guest edited by Michael Coyle


Michael Coyle, “Introduction”

Pound and the Poets of African American Modernism

Kathryne V. Lindberg, “Rebels to the Right/Revolution to the Left: Ezra Pound and Claude McKay in ‘The Syndicalist Year’ of 1912”

Jonathan Gill, “Ezra Pound and Langston Hughes: The ABC of Po’try”

C. K. Doreski, “Reading Tolson Reading Pound: National Authority National Narrative”

Reed Way Dasenbrock, “Why the Post in Post-Colonial Is Not the Post in Post-Modern: Homer, Dante, Pound, Walcott”

African American Presences in Pound’s Work

Alec Marsh, “Letting the Black Cat out of the Bag: A Rejected Instance of ‘American-Africanism’ in Pound’s Cantos

Aldon Lynn Nielsen, “Ezra Pound and ‘The Best-Known Colored Man in the United States”

Burton Hatlen, “Ezra Pound, New Masses, and the Cultural Politics of Race circa 1930″

Kevin Young, “Visiting St. Elizabeth’s: Ezra Pound, Impersonation, and the Mask of the Modern Poet”

Primary Materials

David Roessel, “‘A Racial Act’: The Letters of Langston Hughes and Ezra Pound”

Reviews on African American Modernism

Mary Ann Calo, “Review Essay on Modernism, Visual Culture and the Harlem Renaissance”

Kevin J. H. Dettmar (Michael North, The Dialect of Modernism: Race, Language, and the Twentieth-Century Literature)

Review on Pound

Alec Marsh (The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, ed. Ira Nadel)

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FALL and WINTER 1997

Tributes to Carroll F. Terrell

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Ten for Terry”

Walter Baumann, “And Kung Smiled upon All of Them Equally (13/58)”

Mary de Rachewiltz, “For Carroll F. Terrell”

Photo Gallery

M. G. N. Dunlap, “On the Road with C. F. Terrell”

Burton Hatlen, “Carroll Terrell and Great American Poetry Wars”

Richard Hill, “Untitled”

Sanehide Kodama, “Professor Terrell’s One Summer Day in Maine”

James Laughlin, “Untitled”

Nancy MacKnight, “A Memory of Travels with Terry”

Colin McDowell, “Meeting Terry”

Petr Mikeš, “Carroll F. Terrell, a Real Character and a Real Great Mainer”

Marjorie Perloff, “Untitled”

Matt Sweney, “Letters from My Ginmill, Regarding Carroll F. Terrell”

Emily Mitchell Wallace, “A Maine Man of Grace”

James J. Wilhelm, “Tribute to Terry”

The Periplum

David Peters Corbett, “Make It New: Lawrence Binyon, Pound and Voritcism”

David Grubbs, “Pattern History: Ezra Pound and Vorticist Music”

Silvia Bigliazzi, “The Sound of Silence: Pound, Eliot, and the Image”

Omar Pound, “Canto LXXX: Lacock Abbey and the Charter of 1225”

James Laughlin, “Ezra”

Papers from the National Poetry Foundation
“American poetry in the 1950s” Conference,
Edited by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos

Ellen Keck Stauder, “‘Crystal Waves Weaving Together’: Visual Notation and the Phrasal Music of the Rock-Drill Cantos

Brian M. Reed, “Ezra Pound’s Utopia of the Eye: The Chinese Characters in Rock-Drill

Michael Golston, “Inaudible Rhythms: Form in Ezra Pound’s Cantos of the Fifties”

William Cole, “Pound’s Web: Hypertext in the Rock-Drill Cantos

Patricia Cockram, “Hypertextuality and Pound’s Fascist Aesthetic”

Miranda B. Hickman, “Pamphlets and Blue China (OR ‘Cheap Books of GOOD Work’): Pound’s Preference for Plainness in the 1950s”

The Reviewer

Alec Marsh (“Dear Uncle George”: The Correspondence between Ezra Pound and Congressman Tinkham of Massachusetts)

Rita Severi (Massimo Bacigalupo, Licia Filingeri, Pietro Gaietto, James Laughlin, Martino Oberto, Ezra Pound, Mary de Rachewiltz, Pietro Gaietto: Conquanta Sculture sui Cantos di Ezra Pound / Fifty Sculptues on The Cantos of Ezra Pound)

Alec Marsh (Ezra Pound, Machine Art and Other Writings)

Christina Biélaszka-DuVernay (Evelyn Silber, Gaudier-Brzeska: Life and Art)

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SPRING and FALL 1996

Achilles Fang
August 20, 1910-November 22, 1995


The Periplum

Peter Th. M. G. Liebregts, “Yeatsian Moods and Plotinian Ecstasy: The Question of the Self in Ezra Pound’s A Lume Spento

Kendra Langetieg, “Visions in the Crystal Ball: Ezra Pound, H.D., and the Form of the Mystical”

Cristina Guenzi, “Music and Poetry Which Evoke Nature: David Sylvian and Ezra Pound”

Peter Crisp, “Pound — Millenarian or Utopian?”

Anita George, “The Pisan Mysteries: Sex, Death and Rebirth in The Pisan Cantos

Burton Hatlen, “Pound and Nature: A Reading of Canto XXIII”

The Explicator

Edwin J. Barton, “Of Labyrinths and Vacuum Tubes: Pound, McCluhan, and Canto LXXXII”

Kathleen Capps, “The François Villon-Ezra Pound Connection: From The Testament to The Cantos

Thomas Cole, “Further Notes on Pound and His Poetry”

Thomas Dilworth, “The Other ‘Person of Some Interest’ in Pound’s ‘Portrait d’une Femme'”

Leslie Hatcher and Hugh Witemeyer, “Lord Palmerston as Factive Hero in The Cantos

Sascha Feinstein, “In Honor of the Sacred Heart: A Memoir of Schloss Brunnenburg”

A. David Moody, “‘They Dug Him up out of Sepulture’: Pound, Erigena and Fiorentino”

The Reviewer

Songpin Jin (A Guide to Ezra Pound and Ernest Fenollosa’s Classic Noh Theatre of Japan, ed. Akiko Miyake, Sanehide Kodama and Nicholas Teele)

Jesus Pardo de Santayana (Ezra Pound, Cantares Completos Tomo I [Cantares I-LI])

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FALL and WINTER 1995

This Issue of Paideuma Has Been Guest-Edited
by Tim Redman and Vincent Sherry


Dannah Edwards, “Report on the 1994 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar ‘Ezra Pound and His Contemporaries'”

Alma Bennett, “Pound and the Malatestan Territory: A 1994 Update”

Vance Crummett, “‘F.B. and I Are of One Party’: Pound’s Reading of Bacon’s Novum Organum

Dannah Edwards, “Addendum to the Preliminary Ctaalog of Ezra Pound’s Library”

Albert Glover, “Evolution in Ezra Pound’s Poetics of History and Charles Olson’s Special View

Will Wells, “Pound and Ungaretti: A Resonating Silence”

Melita Schaum, “The Grammar of the Visual: Alvin Langdon Coburn, Ezra Pound, and the Eastern Aesthetic in Early Modernist Photography and Poetry”

Burton Hatlen, “The Imagist Poetics of H.D.’s Sea Garden

Michael Patrick Gillespie, “The Legacy of 1914: Pound, Lewis, Eliot, and the Composition of Finnegans Wake

Robert Gingher, “Pound/Lawrence: A Re-Evaluation”

Alec Marsh, “Thaddeus Coleman Pound’s ‘Newspaper Scrapbook’ as a Source for the Cantos”

Ellen Keck Stauder, “Beyond the Synopsis of Vision: The Conception of Art in Ezra Pound and Mina Loy”

The Review

Gail McDonald (J. J. Wilhelm, Ezra Pound/The Tragic Years, 1925-1972)

Michael Coyle (Cary Wolfe, The Limits of American literary Ideology in Pound and Emerson)

Reed Way Dasenbrock (Modernism/Modernity)

Robert Spoo (Michael North, The Political Aesthetic of Yeats, Eliot, and Pound)

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The Periplum

James A. Powell, “The Light of Vers Libre”

Sally M. Gall, “Pound and the Modern Melic tradition: Towards a Demystification of ‘Absolute Rhythm'”

The Explicator

Hugh Kenner, “A Note on CX/778”

Eva Hesse, “‘Kadzuk, Arachidi, Acero’ in Canto XCVII/683: A Matter of Coherence”

G. Schmidt, “A Note on Canto CX”

Eric Langumier, “Scarabs and Gold”

Angela P. Elliott, “Lucifer’s Fall in Pound’s Canto LXXIV”

The Biographer

Richard A. Cassell, “A Visit with E.P.”

Eveline Bates Doob, “Some Notes on E.P.”

The Documentary

Ben Kimpel and T. C. Duncan Eaves, “The Source of Canto L”

The Bibliographer

Hollis Sickles, “Annotated Checklist of Pound Criticism 1945-1951”

Natalie Harris, “New Pound Holdings at the Lilly library”

The Vortex

Burton Hatlen, “Stalin and/or Zukofsky: A Note”

E. A. B. Jenner, “‘Medallion’: Some Questions”

The Reviewer

Aldo Tagliaferri (Niccolo Zapponi, L’Italia di Ezra Pound)

Doris L. Eder (William Harmon, Time in Ezra Pound’s Work)

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