
Posts Tagged ‘Ira Nadel’


Special Issue

A Festschrift for Burton Hatlen

Edited by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos




Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “Burton Norval Hatlen (1936-2008)”

Dove Sta Memora

Essays on and in Honor of Burton Hatlen

Marjorie Perloff, “In Memoriam: Burton Hatlen (1936-2008)

Ellen Keck Stauder, “Of Rhythm, Image and Knowing: Burton Hatlen as a Reader of Pound”

Sara Dunton, “Hatlen’s H.D.”

Christopher MacGowan, “Burt Hatlen on William Carlos Williams”

Barrett Watten, “Thanking Through Orono: After Poetry of the 1970’s (2008)

Kaplan Harris, “Editing After Pound”

Trevor Sawler, “Burton Hatlen: An Annotated Bibliography”

On George Oppen

Kathleen D’Angelo, “‘The Sequence of Disclosure’: The Truth Hidden in Things in George Oppen’s Discrete Series

Duncan Dobbelmann, “‘A Ferocious Mumbling in Public’: How George Oppen Came to Be Canonized”

Burton Hatlen, “Oppen and the Unspeakable”

Joseph Noble, “George Oppen’s Discrete Series: Things Among Others”

Siobhan Scarry, “Oppen’s ‘We’ and the Poetics of the First Person Plural”

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “The Prosody of George Oppen Poetry of the 1960’s—’Tho It Is Impenetrable'”


Ira Nadel, “Ezra Pound and MI5”

Zhaoming Qian, “Mai-Mai Sze, The Tao, and Moore’s Late Poetry”

Joshua Corey, “Robert Duncan’s Visionary Ecology”

Richard Owens, “Dissociations: The McCaffery-Prynne Debate”




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SPRING and FALL 2000

Special Issue
Guest edited by Michael Coyle


Michael Coyle, “Introduction”

Pound and the Poets of African American Modernism

Kathryne V. Lindberg, “Rebels to the Right/Revolution to the Left: Ezra Pound and Claude McKay in ‘The Syndicalist Year’ of 1912”

Jonathan Gill, “Ezra Pound and Langston Hughes: The ABC of Po’try”

C. K. Doreski, “Reading Tolson Reading Pound: National Authority National Narrative”

Reed Way Dasenbrock, “Why the Post in Post-Colonial Is Not the Post in Post-Modern: Homer, Dante, Pound, Walcott”

African American Presences in Pound’s Work

Alec Marsh, “Letting the Black Cat out of the Bag: A Rejected Instance of ‘American-Africanism’ in Pound’s Cantos

Aldon Lynn Nielsen, “Ezra Pound and ‘The Best-Known Colored Man in the United States”

Burton Hatlen, “Ezra Pound, New Masses, and the Cultural Politics of Race circa 1930″

Kevin Young, “Visiting St. Elizabeth’s: Ezra Pound, Impersonation, and the Mask of the Modern Poet”

Primary Materials

David Roessel, “‘A Racial Act’: The Letters of Langston Hughes and Ezra Pound”

Reviews on African American Modernism

Mary Ann Calo, “Review Essay on Modernism, Visual Culture and the Harlem Renaissance”

Kevin J. H. Dettmar (Michael North, The Dialect of Modernism: Race, Language, and the Twentieth-Century Literature)

Review on Pound

Alec Marsh (The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, ed. Ira Nadel)

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