
Posts Tagged ‘William Carlos Williams’

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Volume 46 / 2019 [2021]

A Dossier on Jack Spicer’s Holy Grail
edited by Daniel C. Remein

Daniel C. Remein, “‘Galahad was invented by American Spies’: A Prefatory Note”
David Hadbawnik: “Jack Spicer and the English Department”
Alex Mueller: “Jack Spicer’s Grail in the Boston Public Library”
Daniel C. Remein: “‘(There is never an ocean in all Grail legend)’: Spicerian Utopia and the Inland Sea”
Laurie A. Finke and Martin B. Schichtman: “‘Can’t Get No Satisfaction’: Jack Spicer’s Medievalism”


Maureen Jameson, “Demons and Inconvenient Truths in a Previously Unpublished Fragment by William Carlos Williams”
William Carlos Williams, “A Demon Downed”

Other Essays

Daniel Benyousky: “Affirmative Limits in W. H. Auden’s ‘Ode to Terminus’”
Edward Alexander: “Theurgy, Anagogy, and the Problem of Esotericism in The Cantos”

Symposium: Community

Jacqueline Ardam: “Poetry, Contingency, and Twitter”
Clint Burnham
Cris Cheek: “On Giving Imperfection Reference: Provisional Community in Poetry, ‘On’ and ‘Off’ ‘The Page’”
Cheryl Clarke
Peter Coviello: “Done, and Done”
Ray DeJesus: “The inevitable I
Kristin Dykstra: “Some Numbers, VERSUS: Fuzzy in the Mind”
Alec Finlay
Norman Fischer: “The First Congregational Church of Poetry”
Michael Kelleher: “A Note on the Affirmative”
Hank Lazer: “Poetry and Community: Of Being Numerous, Sometimes”
David Marriott
James Maynard: “Poetry in Buffalo: Some Thoughts on Print Community”
Peter O’Leary: “Community and Faith”
Bob Perelman: “A Timeline”
The Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt Recovery Project: “The Recovery of Sarah Piatt and Community Scholarship”:
Elizabeth Renker
Jolie Braun
S. E. Andres: “Sallie Piatt: Queen of Queen City and of My Heart”
Larry Michaels: “Teamwork in the Rediscovery of Sarah Piatt’s Poetry”
David Pritchard: “On Community”
Suzanne Stein: “>>essay in unfriendliness”
Gillian White: “A Note for Paideuma
John Wilkinson: “Community and the Cambridge School”
Concluding Remarks: Andrew Epstein: “A Paradox in Nature”

Covers: Posters for the Travelling Gallery campaign “Day of Access” by Alec Finlay


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2018 [2020]


Benjamin Friedlander, Christopher McGoff, Katherine A. DuBois, and Ryan Stovall, “Preface”’

Symposium: Literary History

Hélène Aji, “Paideuma: The Ethics of Scholarly Criticism”

Gregory Betts, “Pounding the Concrete: A Short Note on Nomadic Scholarship”

James Brophy, “Walter Pater, Roland Barthes, and Aesthetic Idiosyncrasy: A Critical Experiment in Paideia”

David Buuck, “Paideuma Forum”

Cristina Giorcelli

Kaiser Haq, “Many Histories”

Jeanne Heuving, “Revisioning Aesthetics as Transnational and Intermedia Writing”

Erin Kappeler, “The Return of the Nineteenth Century”

J. Peter Moore

Chris Nealon

Nancy Ellen Ogle, “Some Thoughts on Poetry and Music”

Josephine Park

Joshua Schuster, “Extrapolations for Paideuma

Lytle Shaw, “Pasolini’s Homemade Historiography”

Brian Kim Stefans

Erica Weaver, “Chaucer, Williams, and the ‘American Idiom'”

Tyrone Williams, “Alongside and With: Lorenzo Thomas, the Lower East Side, and Umbra

Other Essays

Nathaniel Davis, “Language, Philosophy, and Kulchur: Pound’s Neo-Confucian Neoplatonism”

David Lloyd, “Dylan Thomas and Kenneth Rexroth: ‘something terribly unbritish'”

Amy Carpenter, “‘My craft required the same//crouching care’: Ordinary Rituals in Derek Walcott’s Omeros

Robert Baker, “Forrest Gander’s Phenomenology of Encounter”

Florian Gargaillo, “Louise Glück and Dialogue”


Thomas Palaima, “Pound and Owen: A Correction”


Zhu Yuhan and Yu Yanghuan, “Poetry and Interpretation: An Interview with Charles Altieri”

Jennifer Moxley, “Dear Kevin”


Jeffrey Meyers, “Literary Godfathers”


In Memoriam: Emily Mitchell Wallace


Cover: Photograph by Taraneh Hemami

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Special Issue

A Festschrift for Burton Hatlen

Edited by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos




Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “Burton Norval Hatlen (1936-2008)”

Dove Sta Memora

Essays on and in Honor of Burton Hatlen

Marjorie Perloff, “In Memoriam: Burton Hatlen (1936-2008)

Ellen Keck Stauder, “Of Rhythm, Image and Knowing: Burton Hatlen as a Reader of Pound”

Sara Dunton, “Hatlen’s H.D.”

Christopher MacGowan, “Burt Hatlen on William Carlos Williams”

Barrett Watten, “Thanking Through Orono: After Poetry of the 1970’s (2008)

Kaplan Harris, “Editing After Pound”

Trevor Sawler, “Burton Hatlen: An Annotated Bibliography”

On George Oppen

Kathleen D’Angelo, “‘The Sequence of Disclosure’: The Truth Hidden in Things in George Oppen’s Discrete Series

Duncan Dobbelmann, “‘A Ferocious Mumbling in Public’: How George Oppen Came to Be Canonized”

Burton Hatlen, “Oppen and the Unspeakable”

Joseph Noble, “George Oppen’s Discrete Series: Things Among Others”

Siobhan Scarry, “Oppen’s ‘We’ and the Poetics of the First Person Plural”

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “The Prosody of George Oppen Poetry of the 1960’s—’Tho It Is Impenetrable'”


Ira Nadel, “Ezra Pound and MI5”

Zhaoming Qian, “Mai-Mai Sze, The Tao, and Moore’s Late Poetry”

Joshua Corey, “Robert Duncan’s Visionary Ecology”

Richard Owens, “Dissociations: The McCaffery-Prynne Debate”



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Demetres Tryphonopolous, “Announcing Paideuma’s ‘New’ Documentary Section”


“Basil Bunting on Ezra Pound: Interview by Lawrence Pitkethly with James Laughlin” (introduced by Richard Swigg)

Catherine E. Paul, “Compiling a Packet for Ezra Pound”

Peter Liebregts, “‘Love God and Do as You Please’: Ezra Pound and Augustine”

Ondrea E. Ackerman, “The Periplum of The Pisan Cantos

Charles S. Kraszewski, “Poland and Poles in the Consciousness of the Anglo-American Modernists”

Natalie Gerber, “Tracing the Trajectory of a Williams Poem: From the Variable Foot to Triadic-Line Verse”

Russell Brickey, “Last Stand of the Sublime: Kenneth Rexroth and ‘Strength through Joy'”

Matthew Hofer, “Mina Loy, Giovanni Papini, and the Aesthetic of Irritation”


V. Nicholos LoLordo (Joe Amato, Industrial Poetics: Demo Track for Mobile Culture; Jennifer Ashton, From Modernism to Postmodernism: American Poetry and Theory in the Twentieth Century; and Susan Schultz, A Poetics of Impasse in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry)

Réka Mihálka (Ezra Pound, Language and Persona, ed. Massimo Bacigalupo and William Pratt)

Alec Marsh (A. David Moody, Ezra Pound, Poet: A Portrait of the Man and His Work / Volume 1: The Young Genius 1885-1920)

Burt Kimmelman (Joel Bettridge, Reading as Belief: Language Writing, Poetics, Faith)

Cover: Portrait of Papini (1913) by Carlo Carrà. Photograph of drawing  by Studio Fotografico Luca Carrà, Milan. Used with permission of Archivio Carla Carrà.

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(publication date 2009)


Poetics Forum

Barrett Watten, “Faultlines in Poetics: Culture / Politics / Economics / Generation”

Maria Damon, “Two Modernist Precursors in Cultural Studies and Poetics: (How) Can They Help Us Now?”

George Hartley, “Under the Sign of Paideuma: Scary Ideograms & The New Fascisms”

Joel Nickels, “The Art of Interruption: William Carlos Williams and New Materialist Poetics”

Sarah Ruddy, “‘Bad Timing’ and Language Poetry in Benjamin Friedlander’s Simulcast


Morgan Myers, “Ezra Pound Me Fecit: Memorial Object and Autonomous Poem in The Cantos

Steve Pinkerton, “Profaning the Communion Table: Mina Loy and the Modernist Poetics of Blasphemy”

Bruce Holsapple, “On Whalen’s Use of Voice”


Jane Augustine (Analyzing Freud: The Letters of H.D., Bryher and Their Circle, ed. Susan Stanford Friedman; and Rachel Connor, H.D. and the Image)

Richard L. Blevins (Michael Heller, Uncertain Poetries)

Patricia Cockram (Ira B. Nadel, Ezra Pound: A Literary Life; and Ezra Pound, Early Writings: Poems and Prose, ed. Ira B. Nadel)

Leon Surette (Mary de Rachewiltz, Ezra Pound, Father and Teacher: Discretions; and Ezra Pound, The Spirit of Romance)

The cover features a handwritten page from The Collected Poems of Philip Whalen (Wesleyan UP, 2007).

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FALL and WINTER 2004

Special Issue
Edited by Burton Hatlen



Ryan E. Cull, “‘Complexities Which Will Remain Complexities’: The Environmental Epistemology of Marianne Moore”

Jeff Westover, “Value, Commerce, and Economy in the Poetry of Marianne Moore”

Lesley Wheeler and Chris Gavaler, “Imposters and Chameleons: Marianne Moore and the Carlisle Indian School”

David Anderson, “Marianne Moore’s ‘Fertile Procedure’: Fusing Scientific Method and Organic Form through Syllabic Technique”


S. Renée Faubion, “‘This Is No Rune nor Symbol’: The Sensual in H.D.’s Feminized Sublime”

Helen V. Emmitt, “Forgotten memories and Unheard Rhymes: H.D.’s Poetics as a Response to Male Modernism”

Annette Debo, “Whiteness and the Black/White Border in H.D.”

Bret L. Keeling, “Modernist Anonymity and H.D.’s ‘Pygmalion’: Whose Story Is This?”

Aaron Santesso, “Responsibilities: H.D. and Yeats”

Julie Dennison, “Williams and H.D. Figure It Out: Reconceiving the Childbirth Metaphor in ‘His’ Paterson, ‘Her’ Trilogy

Donna Krolik Hollenberg, “‘Within the World of Your Perception’: The Letters of Denise Levertov and H.D.”


Helen Sword (H.D.’s Poetry: “The Meanings That Hide,” ed. Marina Camboni; and Analyzing Freud: Letters of H.D., Bryher, and Their Circle, ed. Susan Stanford Friedman)

Catherine Paul, (The Poems of Marianne Moore, ed. Grace Schulman; and Becoming Marianne Moore, ed. Robin G. Schulze)

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Burton Hatlen, “Carroll F. ‘Terry’ Terrell”

Cameron McWhirter, “Recalling a Modern Master of Words”


Joanne Pearson, “H.D.: Dancing with Variable Feet”

Stephen Kite, “Architecture as Techne: Adrian Stokes, Ezra Pound and the Art of the Machine”

Mitchum Huehls, “Reconceiving Perceiving: William Carlos Williams’ World-Making Words of ‘Kora in Hell: Improvisations'”

Scott Eastham, “In Pound’s China — The Stone Books Speak”

Jianqing Zheng, “Ezra Pound’s Employment of Chinese Images”

Elizabeth F. Judge, “Make It Pound: Translation, Professionalism and the Right to Propertian Discourse in ‘Homage to Sextus Propertius'”


Mark Jacobs (Laura Riding and Robert Graves, A Survey of Modernist Poetry and A Pamphlet against Anthologies, ed. Patrick McGuiness and Charles Mundye)

A. David Moody (Ezra Pound: Poems and Translations, ed. Richard Sieberth)

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Editors’ Note


James Longenbach, “The Dream of Modernism”

Stan Smith, “Constitutions of Silence: Mr. Eliot’s Second Revolution”

Susan Stanford Friedman, “Modernism in a Transnational Landscape: Spatial Poetics, Postcolonialism, and Gender in Césaire’s Cahier/Notebook and Cha’s DICTÉE

Cristanne Miller, “Feminist Location and Mina Loy’s ‘Anglo-Mongrels and the Rose'”

Leon Surette, “Wallace Stevens, Roger Caillois and ‘The Pure Good of Theory'”

Burton Hatlen, “From the Transcendental to the Immanent Sublime: The Poetry of William Carlos Williams, 1913-1917”

Ronald Bush, “Remaking Canto 74”

A. David Moody, “Directio Voluntatis: Pound’s Economics to the Economy of The Cantos

Marjorie Perloff, “The Search for ‘Prime Words’: Pound, Duchamp and the Nominalist Ethos”

Demetres Tryphonopoulos, “‘Fragments of a Faith Forgotten’: Ezra Pound, H.D. and the Occult Tradition”

Zhaoming Qian, “Marianne Moore and The Tao of Painting

Patricia C. Willis, “A Modernist Epithalamium: Marianne Moore’s ‘Marriage'”

Douglas Mao, “Auden and Son: Environment, Evolution, Exhibition”

Peter Nicholls, “George Oppen and ‘That Primitive, Hegel'”

Christopher MacGowan, “Making It Free: Mitchell Goodman’s Radical Williams”

Charles Altieri, “Some Problems with Being Contemporary: Aging Critics, Younger Poets and New Century”

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The Periplum

Daniel Tiffany, “Pound, Frobenius, and Jünger: The Spell of the World-Picture”

Alan Marshall, “Politics and Process”

Jonathan Ausubel, “Three Functions and Some Forgery: (Mis)uses of Visual Poetics in Pound’s Cantos

Jacqueline Kaye, “Pound and Heresy”

Ethan Lewis, “Imagist Technique in The Cantos

Tod Marshall, “‘Ten cats. Your Score: Verrrrrry Good’: An Ezra Pound Correspondence Course”

The Biographer

Tony Tremblay, “‘Boris Is Very Intelligent and “Simpatico” and Interested in Worthwhile Things’: The Association of Ezra Pound and Prince Boris de Rachewiltz”

The Reviewer

Alec Marsh (Leon Surette and Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, eds., Literary Tradition and the Occult Tradition)

Britton Gildersleeve (Robert Kern, Orientalism, Modernism, and the Occult Poem)

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (Pound/Williams: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams, ed. Hugh Witemeyer)

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