
Posts Tagged ‘Jean-Michel Rabaté’



Benjamin Friedlander, Jill Hughes, and Katherine A. DuBois, “Preface”


“In what sense does the work to which you are committed share in the renovation of society?”

Rachel Tzvia Back, “Poetry in the 21st Century and Radical Faith”

Sarah Barnsley

Allison Cobb

Commune Editions

Maria Damon, “Potential Gristlies”

Rachel Blau DuPlessis, “Social Renovation and Cultural Work, an Essay for Paideuma

Norman Finkelstein, “Affective Dissonance: Reflections on My Work in a Time of Crisis”

Alan Golding, “Reading, the Academy, and the ‘Soft’ Avant-Garde: Tan Lin’s Heath and Heath Course Pak

Michael Heller, “‘In What Sense…'”

David Herd, “Response to Paideuma

Laura Hinton, “Political Poetics and Love”

Linda A. Kinnahan

Ann Lauterbach, “Counting the Ways”

Philip Metres, “The Poem’s Future”

Malgorzata Myk, “(Mis)Crossing Threads”

A. L. Nielsen, “State/meant 2017”

Jean-Michel Rabaté

Dale Smith, “A Note on Companionship, Division, and Poetry”

Askia M. Touré

David Trinidad, “One Reader”

Keith Tuma

Ann Vickery

Fred Wah, “For Paideuma

Jerome McGann, “Indian Treaties and American Exceptionalism: Prolegomena to a Study of American Ideology”

Other Essays

John Beall, “Pound, Hemingway, and the Inquest Series”

Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick, “Identity Politics, Modernist Aesthetics, and Modernist Abstraction in H.D.’s Helen in Egypt

Margaret Konkol, “‘That Irate Pornographist’: Gender and Nature in Mina Loy’s ‘Songs to Joannes'”

Mark Byers, “Moving Metres: Hilda Morley and Gestural Abstraction”

Notes on Contributors

Cover: Mercedes Matter, Landscape verso Abstraction (ca. 1928). Oil on board, 15 x 18.25 inches. Courtesy Mark Borghi Fine Art, New York.



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SPRING and FALL 1991


The Periplum

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Ezra Pound’s Cantos 72 and 73: An Annotated Translation”

Alexander Schmitz, “Ideogram-Audiogram”

Matthew Little and Robert Babcock, “‘Amplius in Coitu Phantasia’: Pound’s ‘Cavalcanti’ and Avicenna’s De Almahad

Robert Spoo, “Pound’s Cavalcanti and Cravens’s Carducci”

The Explicator

Eva Hesse, “Why Lucifer ‘Fell’ in North Carolina: An Alternative View”

John Glendening, “Ezra Pound and Ezra Pound’s Blake: Method in Madness, Madness in Method”

David Gordon, “From Cheop’s Pyramid to Homer and Pound: The Golden Caesura”

Melvin D. McNichols, “Survivals and (Re)newals: Pound’s ‘The Seafarer'”

Donna C. Rudolph, “Formulas for Paradise in Six Cantos of Ezra Pound”

The Biographer

Jerome Kavka, M.D., “Ezra Pound’s Personal History: A Transcript, 1946”

Ira B. Nadel, “Letters from the ‘Foreign Correspondent’: Ezra Pound to Alice Corbin Henderson”

The Vortext

Sam Thonet, “Yeats-Pound Conference Report”

Virginia Nees-Hatlen, “A Teachers’ Institute at the NPF Conference”

Conference Program


The Reviewer

Hugh Witemeyer (Jeffry Walker, Bardic Ethos and the American Epic Poem: Whitman, Pound, Crane, Williams, Olson)

Reed Way Dasenbrock (Tim Redman, Ezra Pound and Italian Fascism)

Timothy Materer (Bruce Fogelman, Shapes of Power: The Development of Ezra Pound’s Poetic Sequences)

Stefano Maria Casella (Ezra Pound, Je Rassemble les Membres d’Osiris, ed. Jean-Michel Rabaté, trans. Jean-Paul Auxémery, Claude Minière, Margaret Tunstill, Jean-Michel Rabaté, with articles by Massimo Bacigalupo and Joël-Peter Shapiro)

David Gordon (William Cookson, A Guide to The Cantos of Ezra Pound)

Ron Thomas (Daniel M. Hooley, The Classics in Paraphrase: Ezra Pound and Modern Translators of Latin Poetry)

Paul Oppenheimer (The Lyrics of the Middle Ages: An Anthology, ed. James J. Wilhelm)

James J. Wilhelm (Ezra Pound and Margaret Cravens: A Tragic Friendship, 1910-1912, ed. Omar Pound and Robert Spoo)

The cover is a reproduction of a page from the Malatesta Cantos with a correction in Pound’s hand, which was presented to the Biblioteca Malatestiana of Cesena on May 25, 1925. The background is a photograph of the Valmarecchia by Emilio Salvatori.

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The Periplum

Jeffrey Twitchell, “Art and the Spirit of Capitalism: Iconography and History in The Usura Canto”

Peter Crisp, “Pound, Leibnitz and China”

Peter Dale Scott, “Anger in Paradise: The Poetic Voicing of Disorder in Pound’s Later Cantos

Stephen Sicari, “The Epic Ambition: Reading Dante”

Scott Hamilton, “Serenely in the Crystal Jet: A Note on Pound’s Symbolist Inheritance”

E. P. Walkiewicz and Hugh Witemeyer, “A Public Bank in Canto 40”

Peter Dale Scott, “Pound in ‘The Waste Land,’ Eliot in The Cantos

The Explicator

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “‘The Fourth; the Dimension of Stillness’: D. P. Ouspensky and Fourth Dimensionalism in Canto 49”

Timothy H. Scherman, “Towards a New Translation of Canto III”

Reed Way Dasenbrock, “Cantos 72 and 73: What Kind of Textbook?”

Francis J. Bosha, “Hemingway and MacLeish on Pound: A Consideration of a Certain Unpublished Correspondence”

Barbara Will, “Pound’s Feminine Other: A Reading of Canto 29”

The Reviewer

Tim Redman (Jean-Michel Rabaté, Language Sexuality and Ideology in Ezra Pound’s Cantos)

D. M. Hooley (Pound/Zukofsky: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and Louis Zukofsky, ed. Barry Ahearn)

This cover is a pen and ink drawing of Ezra Pound at St. Elizabeth’s. A note from the original editors: “If anyone can figure out the signature, please let us know.”

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