
Posts Tagged ‘Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos’




Essays and Documents

Two Unpublished Stories by H.D.: “Hesperia” and “Aegina” (introduced by David Roessel and Victoria Conover)

Jeffrey Bilbro, “C. Day Lewis and W.B. Yeats: ‘Heartening a Few to Courage and Acceptance'”

Rebecca Strauss, “‘External Modernity’ or Something of That Sort: Ezra Pound’s Transatlantic ‘Redondillas'”

Alastair Morrison, “Come Far Poteresti un Sofismo?: Guido Cavalcanti and the Poundian Argument”

Sarah Ehlers, “Ezra Pound’s Perverse Anthology”

Jerome Kavka, M.D., “The Dreams of Ezra Pound” (introduced by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos)

Gary Grieve-Carlson, “’The Fathers Run Out in the Sons’: Charles Olson, Ezra Pound, and ‘The Song of Ullikummi’”

Paul Stephens, “Human University: Charles Olson and the Embodiment of Information”

Jeffrey Twitchell-Waas, “Keep Your Eyes on the Page: Zukofsky’s Bottom: on Shakespeare


Michael Alpert, “In Memoriam: Theodore Enslin”

Walter Baumann, “In Memoriam: Peter Rudge”

Bulletin Board

Title Abbreviations for Works by Ezra Pound

Notes on Contributors

Cover: Charles Olson’s first draft, in pencil, of the late Maximus poem “Maximus of Gloucester.”  Images used with permission and are courtesy of the Charles Olson Research Collection, Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut.


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The Periplum

Daniel Tiffany, “Pound, Frobenius, and Jünger: The Spell of the World-Picture”

Alan Marshall, “Politics and Process”

Jonathan Ausubel, “Three Functions and Some Forgery: (Mis)uses of Visual Poetics in Pound’s Cantos

Jacqueline Kaye, “Pound and Heresy”

Ethan Lewis, “Imagist Technique in The Cantos

Tod Marshall, “‘Ten cats. Your Score: Verrrrrry Good’: An Ezra Pound Correspondence Course”

The Biographer

Tony Tremblay, “‘Boris Is Very Intelligent and “Simpatico” and Interested in Worthwhile Things’: The Association of Ezra Pound and Prince Boris de Rachewiltz”

The Reviewer

Alec Marsh (Leon Surette and Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, eds., Literary Tradition and the Occult Tradition)

Britton Gildersleeve (Robert Kern, Orientalism, Modernism, and the Occult Poem)

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (Pound/Williams: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams, ed. Hugh Witemeyer)

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FALL and WINTER 1997

Tributes to Carroll F. Terrell

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Ten for Terry”

Walter Baumann, “And Kung Smiled upon All of Them Equally (13/58)”

Mary de Rachewiltz, “For Carroll F. Terrell”

Photo Gallery

M. G. N. Dunlap, “On the Road with C. F. Terrell”

Burton Hatlen, “Carroll Terrell and Great American Poetry Wars”

Richard Hill, “Untitled”

Sanehide Kodama, “Professor Terrell’s One Summer Day in Maine”

James Laughlin, “Untitled”

Nancy MacKnight, “A Memory of Travels with Terry”

Colin McDowell, “Meeting Terry”

Petr Mikeš, “Carroll F. Terrell, a Real Character and a Real Great Mainer”

Marjorie Perloff, “Untitled”

Matt Sweney, “Letters from My Ginmill, Regarding Carroll F. Terrell”

Emily Mitchell Wallace, “A Maine Man of Grace”

James J. Wilhelm, “Tribute to Terry”

The Periplum

David Peters Corbett, “Make It New: Lawrence Binyon, Pound and Voritcism”

David Grubbs, “Pattern History: Ezra Pound and Vorticist Music”

Silvia Bigliazzi, “The Sound of Silence: Pound, Eliot, and the Image”

Omar Pound, “Canto LXXX: Lacock Abbey and the Charter of 1225”

James Laughlin, “Ezra”

Papers from the National Poetry Foundation
“American poetry in the 1950s” Conference,
Edited by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos

Ellen Keck Stauder, “‘Crystal Waves Weaving Together’: Visual Notation and the Phrasal Music of the Rock-Drill Cantos

Brian M. Reed, “Ezra Pound’s Utopia of the Eye: The Chinese Characters in Rock-Drill

Michael Golston, “Inaudible Rhythms: Form in Ezra Pound’s Cantos of the Fifties”

William Cole, “Pound’s Web: Hypertext in the Rock-Drill Cantos

Patricia Cockram, “Hypertextuality and Pound’s Fascist Aesthetic”

Miranda B. Hickman, “Pamphlets and Blue China (OR ‘Cheap Books of GOOD Work’): Pound’s Preference for Plainness in the 1950s”

The Reviewer

Alec Marsh (“Dear Uncle George”: The Correspondence between Ezra Pound and Congressman Tinkham of Massachusetts)

Rita Severi (Massimo Bacigalupo, Licia Filingeri, Pietro Gaietto, James Laughlin, Martino Oberto, Ezra Pound, Mary de Rachewiltz, Pietro Gaietto: Conquanta Sculture sui Cantos di Ezra Pound / Fifty Sculptues on The Cantos of Ezra Pound)

Alec Marsh (Ezra Pound, Machine Art and Other Writings)

Christina Biélaszka-DuVernay (Evelyn Silber, Gaudier-Brzeska: Life and Art)

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This Issue of Paideuma Is Dedicated to
Olga Rudge
on the Occasion of her 100th Birthday
April 13, 1995


The Periplum

Anne Conover, “Her Name Was Courage: Olga Rudge, Pound’s Muse and the ‘Circe/Aphrodite’ of the Cantos”

Marisa Anne Pagnattaro, “The ‘Unwobbling Pivot’: Uncertainty and Process in The Pisan Cantos

Claudia Ingram, “Sharing Strategies with the Discourses of Authority: Ezra Pound and the Legal ‘Modernists'”

Yuet May Ching, “From Priest to Victim: The Problem of Sacrifice in Allen Upward and Ezra Pound”

Colin McDowell, “Using the Dictionary: Wicket Gate and Wormwood”

The Explicator

Leslie Hatcher, “‘Circe’s This Craft’: The Active Female Principle in The Cantos

Evan R. Karachalios, “Sacrifice and Selectivity in Ezra Pound’s First Canto”

Cameron McWhirter and Ramsay Muhler, “Serious Character to Funny Man: Ezra Pound’s Brief Correspondence with Alexander Woollcott”

Sylvan Esh, “Paquin and Davila: Pulling Down Vanity in Canto 81”

The Reviewer

Ronald Bush (Variorum Edition of “Three Cantos”: A Prototype, ed. Richard Taylor)

Richard Taylor (Ezra Pound and James Laughlin, Selected Letters, ed. David M. Gordon)

Leszek Engelking (Ezra Pound, Chtel jsem napsat raj (vybor z dila), ed. Petr Mikeš; tr. Kamil Bednar, Jitka Herynkova, and Petr Mikeš; intr. Josef Jarab)

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (The Letters of Ezra Pound to Alice Corbin Henderson, ed. Ira B. Nadel)

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Guest-Edited by David Gordon


Dove Sta Memora

Mary de Rachewiltz, “Dove Sta Memora”

The Vortex

Lorrie Goldensohn, “‘The Speech of Her Stringed Shell’: Mary Barnard’s Sappho

Angela Christy, “The Mary Barnard Translation of Sappho”

Molly O’Hara Ewing, “The Poetry of Mary Barnard: A Study in Voice and Verse”

The Periplum

Thomas J. Donovan, “Eucharistia”

Dell Hymes, “Myth Making”

The Gallery

Photographs of Mary Barnard

The Explicator

Mary Barnard, “A Communication on Greek Metric. Ezra Pound, and Sappho

Mary Barnard, “Further Notes on Metric”

David Gordon, “Ezra Pound to Mary Barnard: An ABC of Metrics”

The Documentary

James Laughlin, “From Laughlin’s Catullus through Theocritus to Barnard’s Sappho”

The Bibliographer

Elizabeth J. Bell and Mary Barnard, “Bibliographic Record of Periodical and Book Publication”

The Reviewer

Ted Enslin (Mary Barnard, Time and the White Tigress)

Colin McDowell (Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, The Celestial Tradition: A Study of Ezra Pound’s The Cantos)

In Memoriam

Omar S. Pound, “Col. John L. Steele”

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SPRING and FALL 1993


The Periplum

A. Walton Litz and Omar Pound, “An Unpublished Poem of 1909”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Pound Studies in Italy, 1991”

James Generoso, “I Reckon You Pass, Mr. Wuddwudd”

Archie Henderson, “Pound, the War, and ‘The Banquet’ (1916)”

Songpin Jin, “Fenollosa and ‘Hsiao Hsüeh’ Tradition”

Guiyou Huang, “Ezra Pound: (Mis)Translation and (Re-)Creation”

Christina DuVernay, “‘And Halo Projects from Incision’: Ezra Pound’s Deification of Henry Gaudier-Brzeska”

Sylvan Esh, “Pound and Jakobson: The Metaphorical Principle in The Cantos

The Reviewer

Ira B. Nadel (Ezra Pound’s Poetry and Prose, Contributions to Periodicals)

John C. Hirsch (Reed Way Dasenbrock, Imitating the Italians: Wyatt, Spencer, Synge, Pound and Joyce)

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (Ezra Pound: Drafts and Fragments of Cantos CX-CXX, tr. Charles Vlavianos)

Jo Ellen Green Kaiser (Scott Hamilton, Ezra Pound and the Symbolist Inheritance)

Philip Furia (Jerome McGann, Toward a Literature of Knowledge)

The Explicator

Omar Pound, “Canto 113: Tweddell, Men against Death and Paul de Kruif”

Donald Gallup, “Ezra Pound’s Experiment for Esquire)

Pamela E. Hurley, “Ezra Pound’s ‘Yeux Glauques'”

Hugh Witemeyer, “Oliver Wendell Holmes, William Dean Howells, and Ezra Pound’s ‘Apostolic Succession'”

Robert C. Merritt, Jr., “‘Witching Music’: Several Examples of How Pound Adopted the Musicological Discoveries of Arnold Dolmetsch”

Jee Young Lee, “Eating”

Patrick McGuiness, “A Note on ‘The Muses’ Diadem'”

Ursula Shioji, “‘Hokku-Like’ Elements in Canto IV”

John Espey, “‘Mihites in Pennsylvania’ (71/418)”

Éva Nagy, “Jónás, Pull down Your Vanity: The Artist’s Commitment as Seen by Ezra Pound and Mihály Babits”

Avril Horner, “The ‘Intelligence at Bay’: Ezra Pound and Geoffrey Hill”

Ethan Lewis, “‘This Hulme Business’ Revisited, or Of Sequence and Simultaneity”

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The Periplum

Jeffrey Twitchell, “Art and the Spirit of Capitalism: Iconography and History in The Usura Canto”

Peter Crisp, “Pound, Leibnitz and China”

Peter Dale Scott, “Anger in Paradise: The Poetic Voicing of Disorder in Pound’s Later Cantos

Stephen Sicari, “The Epic Ambition: Reading Dante”

Scott Hamilton, “Serenely in the Crystal Jet: A Note on Pound’s Symbolist Inheritance”

E. P. Walkiewicz and Hugh Witemeyer, “A Public Bank in Canto 40”

Peter Dale Scott, “Pound in ‘The Waste Land,’ Eliot in The Cantos

The Explicator

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “‘The Fourth; the Dimension of Stillness’: D. P. Ouspensky and Fourth Dimensionalism in Canto 49”

Timothy H. Scherman, “Towards a New Translation of Canto III”

Reed Way Dasenbrock, “Cantos 72 and 73: What Kind of Textbook?”

Francis J. Bosha, “Hemingway and MacLeish on Pound: A Consideration of a Certain Unpublished Correspondence”

Barbara Will, “Pound’s Feminine Other: A Reading of Canto 29”

The Reviewer

Tim Redman (Jean-Michel Rabaté, Language Sexuality and Ideology in Ezra Pound’s Cantos)

D. M. Hooley (Pound/Zukofsky: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and Louis Zukofsky, ed. Barry Ahearn)

This cover is a pen and ink drawing of Ezra Pound at St. Elizabeth’s. A note from the original editors: “If anyone can figure out the signature, please let us know.”

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SPRING and FALL 1989


The Periplum

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “The Cantos as Palingenesis”

Philip J. Burns, “‘Dear Uncle George’: The Pound-Tinkham Letters”

Carol H. Cantrell and Ward Swinson, “Cantos LII-LXXI: Pound’s Textbook for Princes”

William Bohn, “Thoughts that Join Like Spokes: Pound’s Image of Apollinaire”

Stephen J. Adams, “Irony and Common Sense: The Genre of Mauberley

Rodney Symington, “‘Five Years I Wrote to You…’: An Unknown Correspondent of Ezra Pound”

The Explicator

Paul Douglass, “Modernism and Science: The Case of Pound’s ABC of Reading

David Gordon, “Pound’s Chinese: A Dead Language?”

David Gordon, “LXIX’s ‘Kei…. Kai’ and Fang’s P.S.”

Ezra Pound (Presented by Timothy Materer), “On America and World War I”

Carroll F. Terrell, “Canto Thirty-Six, from Dark and Light

David Roessel, “Pound, Lawrence, and ‘The Earthly Paradise'”

Mary Cheadle, “Defining Ode 65 in ‘Relation to Life'”

Leszek Engelsking, Petr Mikeš, and Andrzej Sosnowski, “Eliot and Pound in Lesko, Poland”

The Reviewer

Robert Spoo (C. K. Stead, Pound, Yeats, Eliot and the Modernist Movement)

Thomas H. Jackson (James Longenbach, Modernist Poetics of History: Pound, Eliot, and the Sense of the Past)

This cover image is titled “Ezra Pound da Montin.” The painting is by Rinaldo Frank-Burattin.

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FALL and WINTER 1988


The Periplum

Anne S. Chapple, “Ezra Pound’s Cathay: Compilation from the Fenollosa Notebooks”

Timothy Materer, “From Henry James to Ezra Pound: John Quinn and the Art of Patronage”

Elizabeth Bruce, “Yao and Shun in The Cantos: Chinese Emperors Placed in the Context of Frazer’s The Golden Bough

Max Nänny, “Ezra Pound: Right Brain Poet”

Carol H. Cantrell and Ward Swinson, “Cantos LII-LXXI: Pound’s Textbook for Princes”

Stephen Sicari, “Reading Pound’s Politics: Ulysses as Fascist Hero”

The Explicator

Jeffrey Meyers, “Ezra Pound and the Russian Avant-Garde”

K. Narayana Chandran, “Making Cosmos: Building/Creation in The Cantos

Bruce Fogelman, “The Structure of Pound’s ‘Und Drang'”

Steve Ellis, “The Punctuation of ‘In a Station of the Metro'”

C. J. Ackerley, “Canto 82: Pound, Swinburne (Shelley), Aeschylus, Whitman”

Alan J. Peacock, “Pound’s Propertian Distortions: A Possible Rationale”

The Biographer

Mohammad Shaheen, “Pound and T. E. Lawrence: Two Self-Crowned Laureates of the Time”

James J. Wilhelm, “Addenda and Corrigenda for The American Roots of Ezra Pound

The Reviewer

Massimo Bacigalupo (Humphrey Carpenter, A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound)

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (Kevin Oderman, Ezra Pound and the Erotic Medium)

William Harmon (Kay Davis, Fugue and Fresco: Structures in Pound’s Cantos)

Stefano Maria Casella (Ezra Pound, Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, trans. Giovanni Giudici; Ezra Pound, Omaggio a Sesto Properzio, ed. Massimo Bacigalupo)

Michael Thomas Davis (The Dying Sorcerer: Poems by Omar Pound, ed. Robert Spoo)

James Longenbach (James Laughlin, Pound as Wuz; James Laughlin, The Master of Those Who Know; James Laughlin, Selected Poems, 1935-1985)

Robert Spoo (Jonathan Marwil, Frederic Manning: An Unfinished Life)

The cover drawing was done by the wife of Petr Mikeš, our associate from the Czech Republic.

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