
Posts Tagged ‘Jerome Kavka’




Essays and Documents

Two Unpublished Stories by H.D.: “Hesperia” and “Aegina” (introduced by David Roessel and Victoria Conover)

Jeffrey Bilbro, “C. Day Lewis and W.B. Yeats: ‘Heartening a Few to Courage and Acceptance'”

Rebecca Strauss, “‘External Modernity’ or Something of That Sort: Ezra Pound’s Transatlantic ‘Redondillas'”

Alastair Morrison, “Come Far Poteresti un Sofismo?: Guido Cavalcanti and the Poundian Argument”

Sarah Ehlers, “Ezra Pound’s Perverse Anthology”

Jerome Kavka, M.D., “The Dreams of Ezra Pound” (introduced by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos)

Gary Grieve-Carlson, “’The Fathers Run Out in the Sons’: Charles Olson, Ezra Pound, and ‘The Song of Ullikummi’”

Paul Stephens, “Human University: Charles Olson and the Embodiment of Information”

Jeffrey Twitchell-Waas, “Keep Your Eyes on the Page: Zukofsky’s Bottom: on Shakespeare


Michael Alpert, “In Memoriam: Theodore Enslin”

Walter Baumann, “In Memoriam: Peter Rudge”

Bulletin Board

Title Abbreviations for Works by Ezra Pound

Notes on Contributors

Cover: Charles Olson’s first draft, in pencil, of the late Maximus poem “Maximus of Gloucester.”  Images used with permission and are courtesy of the Charles Olson Research Collection, Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut.


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SPRING and FALL 1991


The Periplum

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Ezra Pound’s Cantos 72 and 73: An Annotated Translation”

Alexander Schmitz, “Ideogram-Audiogram”

Matthew Little and Robert Babcock, “‘Amplius in Coitu Phantasia’: Pound’s ‘Cavalcanti’ and Avicenna’s De Almahad

Robert Spoo, “Pound’s Cavalcanti and Cravens’s Carducci”

The Explicator

Eva Hesse, “Why Lucifer ‘Fell’ in North Carolina: An Alternative View”

John Glendening, “Ezra Pound and Ezra Pound’s Blake: Method in Madness, Madness in Method”

David Gordon, “From Cheop’s Pyramid to Homer and Pound: The Golden Caesura”

Melvin D. McNichols, “Survivals and (Re)newals: Pound’s ‘The Seafarer'”

Donna C. Rudolph, “Formulas for Paradise in Six Cantos of Ezra Pound”

The Biographer

Jerome Kavka, M.D., “Ezra Pound’s Personal History: A Transcript, 1946”

Ira B. Nadel, “Letters from the ‘Foreign Correspondent’: Ezra Pound to Alice Corbin Henderson”

The Vortext

Sam Thonet, “Yeats-Pound Conference Report”

Virginia Nees-Hatlen, “A Teachers’ Institute at the NPF Conference”

Conference Program


The Reviewer

Hugh Witemeyer (Jeffry Walker, Bardic Ethos and the American Epic Poem: Whitman, Pound, Crane, Williams, Olson)

Reed Way Dasenbrock (Tim Redman, Ezra Pound and Italian Fascism)

Timothy Materer (Bruce Fogelman, Shapes of Power: The Development of Ezra Pound’s Poetic Sequences)

Stefano Maria Casella (Ezra Pound, Je Rassemble les Membres d’Osiris, ed. Jean-Michel Rabaté, trans. Jean-Paul Auxémery, Claude Minière, Margaret Tunstill, Jean-Michel Rabaté, with articles by Massimo Bacigalupo and Joël-Peter Shapiro)

David Gordon (William Cookson, A Guide to The Cantos of Ezra Pound)

Ron Thomas (Daniel M. Hooley, The Classics in Paraphrase: Ezra Pound and Modern Translators of Latin Poetry)

Paul Oppenheimer (The Lyrics of the Middle Ages: An Anthology, ed. James J. Wilhelm)

James J. Wilhelm (Ezra Pound and Margaret Cravens: A Tragic Friendship, 1910-1912, ed. Omar Pound and Robert Spoo)

The cover is a reproduction of a page from the Malatesta Cantos with a correction in Pound’s hand, which was presented to the Biblioteca Malatestiana of Cesena on May 25, 1925. The background is a photograph of the Valmarecchia by Emilio Salvatori.

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The Periplum

Jerome Kavka, “‘Olson Saved My Life’: Ezra Pound”

Philip Kuberski, “Ego, Scriptor: Pound’s Odyssean Writing”

Lee Bartlett, “The Pound/de Angulo Connection”

Richard Sawyer, “‘To Know the Histories’: L. A. Waddell’s Sumer and Akkad”

The Explicator

Ezra Pound, “Letter to Wyndham Lewis”

Franz Link, “Another Note on Ezra Pound’s ‘Papyrus'”

David Gordon, “A Note on ‘Crusaders’ Bows'”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “To ‘See Again,’ or the Dangers of Unlimited Reference”

The Vortex

Brita Lindberg-Seyersted and Archie Henderson, “Pound/Ford: Addenda and Corrections”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Getting Around: The ‘Ezra Pound in Venice’ Conference at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini”

Peggy L. Fox, “Copyright for Scholars”

The Reviewer

Andrew Ross (Alan Durant, Ezra Pound, Identity in Crisis: A Fundamental Reassessment of the Poet and His Work; Paul Smith, Pound Revised)

David Anderson and Wendy Stallard Flory (Ezra Pound and Dorothy Shakespear: Their Letters, 1909-1914, ed. Omar Pound and A. Walton Litz)

This cover was provided by Petr Mikeš, our associate in the Czech Republic.

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FALL and WINTER 1975


The Periplum

David Gordon, “Edward Coke: The Azalia is Grown”

Jacob Korg, “Jacob Epstein’s Rock Drill and the Cantos

The Explicator

Stuart McDougal, “The Presence of Pater in Blandula, Tenella, Vagula”

Timothy Materer, “Henri Guadier’s ‘Three Ninas'”

Wendy Stallard Flory, “Alexander Del Mar: Some Additional Source”

R. Sieburth, “Canto 119: Francois Bernouard”

Hugh Witemeyer: “The Flame-style King”

The Gallery

The Documentary

Richard Taylor, “Ezra Pound: Editor of Nō”

Ezra Pound, “Yoro”

David Gordon, “Ezra Among the Old Bones”

Thomas Grieve, “The Seraphin Couvreur Sources of Rock-Drill”

The Biographer

Perdita Schaffner, “Merano, 1962”

Barbara Eastman, “The Ninetieth Birthyear Symposium”

Jerome Kavka, “Ezra Pound’s Ssanity: The Problem of Public Disclosure”

The Reviewer

Carroll F. Terrell (John Adams Speaking)

Douglas R. Butturff (James Wilhelm, Dante and Pound: The Epic of Judgement)

The cover for this issue is the seal of King Henry III, which he attached to Magna Charta.

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