
Posts Tagged ‘Bob Perelman’

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Volume 46 / 2019 [2021]

A Dossier on Jack Spicer’s Holy Grail
edited by Daniel C. Remein

Daniel C. Remein, “‘Galahad was invented by American Spies’: A Prefatory Note”
David Hadbawnik: “Jack Spicer and the English Department”
Alex Mueller: “Jack Spicer’s Grail in the Boston Public Library”
Daniel C. Remein: “‘(There is never an ocean in all Grail legend)’: Spicerian Utopia and the Inland Sea”
Laurie A. Finke and Martin B. Schichtman: “‘Can’t Get No Satisfaction’: Jack Spicer’s Medievalism”


Maureen Jameson, “Demons and Inconvenient Truths in a Previously Unpublished Fragment by William Carlos Williams”
William Carlos Williams, “A Demon Downed”

Other Essays

Daniel Benyousky: “Affirmative Limits in W. H. Auden’s ‘Ode to Terminus’”
Edward Alexander: “Theurgy, Anagogy, and the Problem of Esotericism in The Cantos”

Symposium: Community

Jacqueline Ardam: “Poetry, Contingency, and Twitter”
Clint Burnham
Cris Cheek: “On Giving Imperfection Reference: Provisional Community in Poetry, ‘On’ and ‘Off’ ‘The Page’”
Cheryl Clarke
Peter Coviello: “Done, and Done”
Ray DeJesus: “The inevitable I
Kristin Dykstra: “Some Numbers, VERSUS: Fuzzy in the Mind”
Alec Finlay
Norman Fischer: “The First Congregational Church of Poetry”
Michael Kelleher: “A Note on the Affirmative”
Hank Lazer: “Poetry and Community: Of Being Numerous, Sometimes”
David Marriott
James Maynard: “Poetry in Buffalo: Some Thoughts on Print Community”
Peter O’Leary: “Community and Faith”
Bob Perelman: “A Timeline”
The Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt Recovery Project: “The Recovery of Sarah Piatt and Community Scholarship”:
Elizabeth Renker
Jolie Braun
S. E. Andres: “Sallie Piatt: Queen of Queen City and of My Heart”
Larry Michaels: “Teamwork in the Rediscovery of Sarah Piatt’s Poetry”
David Pritchard: “On Community”
Suzanne Stein: “>>essay in unfriendliness”
Gillian White: “A Note for Paideuma
John Wilkinson: “Community and the Cambridge School”
Concluding Remarks: Andrew Epstein: “A Paradox in Nature”

Covers: Posters for the Travelling Gallery campaign “Day of Access” by Alec Finlay


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Special Section: Pound’s Legacy into the Twenty-First Century

Martin Corless-Smith, “Introduction”

Marjorie Perloff, “‘Raising the Referential Temperature’: Poundian Reverberations in Brazilian Concrete Poetry”

Yunte Huang, “Ezra Pound, Made in China”

Jennifer Scappettone, “Festina Lente: Invention of the Modernist Poet as Editor in the City of Aldus”

Václav Paris, “Pound and Disability”

Bob Perelman, “Lie Quiet Ezra: Time Lines in Pound”

Katie Fuller and Tyler Babbie, “Idaho Conference Report”


Roxana Preda, “Of Birds, Composers, and Poets: Ezra Pound’s Memoir of Gerhart Münch in Canto 75”

Johanna Winant, “Ezra Pound and the Form of Explanation”

Christopher T. Oakey, “Re-thinking William Carlos Williams’s Objectivity Through the Poetic Epistemology of Sour Grapes

Robert Volpicelli, “William Carlos Williams’s Syphilitic Muse”

Henry King, “Masters of Northern Stops: Donald Davie’s Uses of Basil Bunting”

Andy Weaver, “‘I Am Giving You a Present’: Olson’s Sublime Sense of Time in His Early Poetry and Poetics”

Dale Smith, “Edward Dorn’s Metaphors of Contagion”

Seth Perlow, “Reading by Chance: Jackson Mac Low and A Million Random Digits


Bryan Sentes and James Edward Reid, “On Translation: An Interview with Peter Dale Scott”

Notes on Contributors


Cover: Detail of illustration by Gerty Saruê for Panaroma do Finnegans Wake de James Joyce by Haroldo and Augusto de Campos (São Paulo, 1962; 4th ed. 2001). Full illustration appears on page 33 of this volume. Used with permission of the artist.



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Dove Sta Memora

Desmond Egan, “Olga”

Angela Elliott, “Olga Saying ‘Ezra'”

James Laughlin, “Olga”

David Moody, “Olga Rudge: To Her Memory”

Jackson Morton, “Poem”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Growing up Near Olga Rudge and Ezra Pound”

Anne Conover, “The Young Olga”

Thomas Cole, “Two Women of Trachis”

M. G. N. Dunlap, “A Memory”

Desmond Egan, “A Conversation between Olga Rudge and Desmond Egan”

Soichi Furuta, “Night Litany: Olga Et Al.”

David Gordon, “Untitled”

Peter Russell, “Obituary of Olga Rudge”

Richard Taylor, “Recollections of Olga Rudge”

James Wilhelm, “In the Haunt of the Priestess of the Hidden Nest”

Barbara Witemeyer, “Serendipity”

The Reviewer

Timothy Materer (Michael Coyle, Ezra Pound, Popular Genres, and the Discourse of Culture)

Philip Furia (Mary Ellen Gibson, Epic Reinvented: Ezra Pound and the Victorians)

Alec Marsh Giano Accame, Ezra Pound economista contro l’usura)

Reed Way Dasenbrock (Daniel Tiffany, Radio Corpse: Imagism and the Cryptaesthetic of Ezra Pound)

Donna K. Hollenberg (Timothy Findlay, The Trial of Ezra Pound)

Tony Tremblay (Bob Perelman, The Trouble with Genius: reading Pound, Joyce, Stein, and Zukofsky)

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