
Posts Tagged ‘James Laughlin’





Kevin Killian, “Activism, Gay Poetry, AIDS in the 1980s”

Franklin Bruno, “‘wrong sort turismo‘: Kenward Elmslie’s ‘Tropicalism'”

Tim Woods, “Cid Corman: Editor, Translator, Poet”

Anna Elena Eyre, “Jaime de Angulo’s Relational ‘I’: A Morphological Poetics”

Jeffrey Blevins, “Putting a Pineapple Together with Wallace Stevens”

Katherine M. Miller, “‘this will happen again – where? when?‘: Typological Thinking in H.D.’s Trilogy

Mara de Gennaro, “Man is Man Because . . .: Humanism Wars, ‘Sweeney Erect,’ and the Makings of Modernist Imagination”

Documents and Reviews

Brian Carpenter, “‘an innter striving’: An Overview of Edward Sapir’s Poetry Papers”

Edward Sapir, “Suggestive Notes”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Melville to Merrill: Italophile American Poets”

“Italophile American Poets Gallery”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “James Laughlin and ”Ma’ Riess of Rapallo'”

James Laughlin, “‘Ma’ Riess of Rapallo”

“‘Ma’ Riess of Rapallo Gallery”

John Tytell, “In Pursuit of Olga Rudge”


In Memoriam:

Tobin Brogunier, “Joseph Brogunier photograph”

David Grundy, “Amiri Baraka”

James Longenbach, “J. Walton Litz”

Michael Heller, “Allen Grossman”

Notes on Contributors


Cover: Amiri Baraka at the NPF Conference, “Poetry of the 1960s,” in Orono, Maine, June 2000. Photograph by Aldon Nielsen. Used with permission.



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Demetres Tryphonopolous, “Announcing Paideuma’s ‘New’ Documentary Section”


“Basil Bunting on Ezra Pound: Interview by Lawrence Pitkethly with James Laughlin” (introduced by Richard Swigg)

Catherine E. Paul, “Compiling a Packet for Ezra Pound”

Peter Liebregts, “‘Love God and Do as You Please’: Ezra Pound and Augustine”

Ondrea E. Ackerman, “The Periplum of The Pisan Cantos

Charles S. Kraszewski, “Poland and Poles in the Consciousness of the Anglo-American Modernists”

Natalie Gerber, “Tracing the Trajectory of a Williams Poem: From the Variable Foot to Triadic-Line Verse”

Russell Brickey, “Last Stand of the Sublime: Kenneth Rexroth and ‘Strength through Joy'”

Matthew Hofer, “Mina Loy, Giovanni Papini, and the Aesthetic of Irritation”


V. Nicholos LoLordo (Joe Amato, Industrial Poetics: Demo Track for Mobile Culture; Jennifer Ashton, From Modernism to Postmodernism: American Poetry and Theory in the Twentieth Century; and Susan Schultz, A Poetics of Impasse in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry)

Réka Mihálka (Ezra Pound, Language and Persona, ed. Massimo Bacigalupo and William Pratt)

Alec Marsh (A. David Moody, Ezra Pound, Poet: A Portrait of the Man and His Work / Volume 1: The Young Genius 1885-1920)

Burt Kimmelman (Joel Bettridge, Reading as Belief: Language Writing, Poetics, Faith)

Cover: Portrait of Papini (1913) by Carlo Carrà. Photograph of drawing  by Studio Fotografico Luca Carrà, Milan. Used with permission of Archivio Carla Carrà.

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Special Issue

Guest-edited by Emily Mitchell Wallace


Note by the Guest Editor

Rodney Grove Dennis, “Poem: ‘The Other Second Canto'”

Tributes to James Laughlin

Tom Vitale, “National Public Radio Tribute, Friday, November 14, 1997”

“New Directions Tribute, The New York Times, Friday, November 14, 1977″

“New Directions Ceremony, Program in Memory of James Laughlin, Academy of Arts and Letters, Friday, January 9, 1998”

James Atlas, “Literature Is in the Details”

Joel Conarroe, “Just Dandy”

Anne Conover, “Jaz and the ‘George’ Poems”

Guy Davenport, “The Wittiest and Sexiest Poet of Our Time”

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, “Dissent Is Not UnAmerican”

Peggy L. Fox, “Norfolk Confetti: The Benevolent Tyranny of JL’s Little Notes”

Jonathan Galassi, “Notes from Mountain Road”

Donald Gallup, “Incredible Faithfulness”

Robert Giroux, “Callimachus on the Subway”

Peter Glassgold, “Beyond Myths & Astral Bodies: ND as Wuz”

David M. Gordon, “The Adaptor & Jas”

Theodora Rapp Graham, “Unexpected Gifts”

Daniel Hoffman, “Friendship, Pleasure, Wisdom”

Daniel Javitch, “O Tender, Small Self-Given Heroism”

Hugh Kenner, “Jas and Jasper”

L. R. Lind, “Poem: ‘JL / LRL'”

Christopher MacGowan, “JL’s Diplomatic Footwork”

Rebecca Newth, “J’s Gift of One of Aunt Leila’s Sheep”

Mary de Rachewiltz, “Bringing up Young Publishers”

Christa Sammons, “A Class Act”

Peter Dale Scott, “That gentle and Almost Timid Grace”

Gary Snyder, “Laughlin’s ‘Mahayana’ or ‘Big Open SPirit'”

Mary Ellen Solt, “‘Making a Love Poem’ Concrete”

Roger Eliot Stoddard, “The Harvardian”

Richard Taylor, “JL as Editor and Publisher: The Most Conscientious and Scrupulous Man I Have Ever Known”

John Updike, “Verve”

Rosmarie Waldrop, “Amazements”

Jonathan Williams, “An Abstemious Celt”

William Eric Williams, “For the Love of Poetry”

Hugh Witemeyer, “The Emperor’s Sunbelt Tour”


Hayden Carruth, “Five Selections from Beside the Shadblow Tree

Penelope Laurans Fitzgerald, “‘…And in the Bond Which Endured between Us’: Notes on the Friendship of James Laughlin and Robert Fitzgerald”

Samuel A. Streit, “‘Great Learning and Discernment’: JL as Adjunct professor and Chancellor’s Fellow at Brown”

Emily Mitchell Wallace, “‘A Bridge over Worlds’: A Partial portrait of James Laughlin IV Based on His Poems, Stories, Essays, Letters, and Interviews, Including Many Photographs”

New Directions Archives

Hayden Carruth, “Jas’ Little Magazines and Correspondence”

Terry Halladay, “Of Books and the Bear at Meadows House”

Leslie A. Morris, “‘Make It New’: James Laughlin & the Houghton Library”

Samuel A. Streit, “The Laughlin Collection in the John hay Library at Brown”

Patricia C. Willis, “‘Luz Y Verdad‘: J Laughlin and Yale”


John A. Harrison, “A Selective List of Published Writing, 1935-2002, by and about James Laughlin”

The Periplum

Ezra Pound, “‘Chinese Poetry: Prof. Mori’s Lectures,’ Recast by Pound from Fenollosa’s Notes, Transcribed and Annotated by Zhaoming Qian”

Zhaoming Qian, “An Afterword Concerning Pound’s 1935 Revisit to the Fenollosa Papers for an Edition of Mori’s Lectures on Chinese Poetry”

Richard Taylor, “Editing the Variorum Cantos: Process and Policy”

Demetres Tryphonopoulos, “James Laughlin’s ‘Visual-Couplet Metric'”

The Vortex

William McNaughton, “A Report on the 18th International Conference on Ezra Pound, Beijing, China, 16-19 July 1999”

Program of China Conference

Photographs of China Conference

Photographs of Some New Directions Authors

Patrizia de Rachewiltz, “Poem for Jas”

List of Complete Poems by James Laughlin in This Volume of Paideuma

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The Periplum

James Wilson, “His own Skiffsman: Pound, China, & Cathay Revis[it]ed”

Line Henriksen, “Chiarosuro: Canto 36 and Donna Mi Prega

A. David Moody, “‘EP with Two Pronged Fork of Terror and Cajolery’: The Construction of His Anti-Semitism (up to 1939)”

John W. Maerhofer, Jr., “Towards an Esthetic of Translation: An Examination of Ezra Pound’s Translation Theory”

Bill Friend, “‘All Wandering as the Worst of Sinning’: Don Juan and The Cantos

Stephen Sicari, “Pound as Archeologist: Reconstructing Nature”

Anna Xiao Dong Sun, “The Man That Is Waiting: Remarks on Li Po’s ‘Chokan Shin’ and Pound’s ‘The River-Merchant’s Wife'”

Greg Barnhisel, “Ezra Pound, James Laughlin and New Directions: The Publisher as Spin Doctor”

Yoshika Kita, “Ezra Pound and Haiku: Why Did Imagists Hardly Mention Basho?”

Kevin Arthur Wong, “Blurring of Poet and Persona in Pound’s Hugh Selwyn Mauberly

Nicolas Z. Ambrus, “The White Light That is Allness: Ezra Pound’s Cantos on Love”

The Explicator

Anna Kventsel, “The Crystallization of Pound’s Canto LXXIV”

The Documentary

A. David Moody, “‘The Walk There Is Good Poetry’: The Missing Rochechouart Notebook of Pound’s 1912 Walking Tour”

The Obituary

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Vanni Scheiwiller, “Italian publisher of Ezra Pound”

The Reviewer

Wayne Pounds (Il Mare: Supplemento Letterario 1932-1933)

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FALL and WINTER 1997

Tributes to Carroll F. Terrell

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Ten for Terry”

Walter Baumann, “And Kung Smiled upon All of Them Equally (13/58)”

Mary de Rachewiltz, “For Carroll F. Terrell”

Photo Gallery

M. G. N. Dunlap, “On the Road with C. F. Terrell”

Burton Hatlen, “Carroll Terrell and Great American Poetry Wars”

Richard Hill, “Untitled”

Sanehide Kodama, “Professor Terrell’s One Summer Day in Maine”

James Laughlin, “Untitled”

Nancy MacKnight, “A Memory of Travels with Terry”

Colin McDowell, “Meeting Terry”

Petr Mikeš, “Carroll F. Terrell, a Real Character and a Real Great Mainer”

Marjorie Perloff, “Untitled”

Matt Sweney, “Letters from My Ginmill, Regarding Carroll F. Terrell”

Emily Mitchell Wallace, “A Maine Man of Grace”

James J. Wilhelm, “Tribute to Terry”

The Periplum

David Peters Corbett, “Make It New: Lawrence Binyon, Pound and Voritcism”

David Grubbs, “Pattern History: Ezra Pound and Vorticist Music”

Silvia Bigliazzi, “The Sound of Silence: Pound, Eliot, and the Image”

Omar Pound, “Canto LXXX: Lacock Abbey and the Charter of 1225”

James Laughlin, “Ezra”

Papers from the National Poetry Foundation
“American poetry in the 1950s” Conference,
Edited by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos

Ellen Keck Stauder, “‘Crystal Waves Weaving Together’: Visual Notation and the Phrasal Music of the Rock-Drill Cantos

Brian M. Reed, “Ezra Pound’s Utopia of the Eye: The Chinese Characters in Rock-Drill

Michael Golston, “Inaudible Rhythms: Form in Ezra Pound’s Cantos of the Fifties”

William Cole, “Pound’s Web: Hypertext in the Rock-Drill Cantos

Patricia Cockram, “Hypertextuality and Pound’s Fascist Aesthetic”

Miranda B. Hickman, “Pamphlets and Blue China (OR ‘Cheap Books of GOOD Work’): Pound’s Preference for Plainness in the 1950s”

The Reviewer

Alec Marsh (“Dear Uncle George”: The Correspondence between Ezra Pound and Congressman Tinkham of Massachusetts)

Rita Severi (Massimo Bacigalupo, Licia Filingeri, Pietro Gaietto, James Laughlin, Martino Oberto, Ezra Pound, Mary de Rachewiltz, Pietro Gaietto: Conquanta Sculture sui Cantos di Ezra Pound / Fifty Sculptues on The Cantos of Ezra Pound)

Alec Marsh (Ezra Pound, Machine Art and Other Writings)

Christina Biélaszka-DuVernay (Evelyn Silber, Gaudier-Brzeska: Life and Art)

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Dove Sta Memora

Desmond Egan, “Olga”

Angela Elliott, “Olga Saying ‘Ezra'”

James Laughlin, “Olga”

David Moody, “Olga Rudge: To Her Memory”

Jackson Morton, “Poem”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Growing up Near Olga Rudge and Ezra Pound”

Anne Conover, “The Young Olga”

Thomas Cole, “Two Women of Trachis”

M. G. N. Dunlap, “A Memory”

Desmond Egan, “A Conversation between Olga Rudge and Desmond Egan”

Soichi Furuta, “Night Litany: Olga Et Al.”

David Gordon, “Untitled”

Peter Russell, “Obituary of Olga Rudge”

Richard Taylor, “Recollections of Olga Rudge”

James Wilhelm, “In the Haunt of the Priestess of the Hidden Nest”

Barbara Witemeyer, “Serendipity”

The Reviewer

Timothy Materer (Michael Coyle, Ezra Pound, Popular Genres, and the Discourse of Culture)

Philip Furia (Mary Ellen Gibson, Epic Reinvented: Ezra Pound and the Victorians)

Alec Marsh Giano Accame, Ezra Pound economista contro l’usura)

Reed Way Dasenbrock (Daniel Tiffany, Radio Corpse: Imagism and the Cryptaesthetic of Ezra Pound)

Donna K. Hollenberg (Timothy Findlay, The Trial of Ezra Pound)

Tony Tremblay (Bob Perelman, The Trouble with Genius: reading Pound, Joyce, Stein, and Zukofsky)

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Guest-Edited by David Gordon


Dove Sta Memora

Mary de Rachewiltz, “Dove Sta Memora”

The Vortex

Lorrie Goldensohn, “‘The Speech of Her Stringed Shell’: Mary Barnard’s Sappho

Angela Christy, “The Mary Barnard Translation of Sappho”

Molly O’Hara Ewing, “The Poetry of Mary Barnard: A Study in Voice and Verse”

The Periplum

Thomas J. Donovan, “Eucharistia”

Dell Hymes, “Myth Making”

The Gallery

Photographs of Mary Barnard

The Explicator

Mary Barnard, “A Communication on Greek Metric. Ezra Pound, and Sappho

Mary Barnard, “Further Notes on Metric”

David Gordon, “Ezra Pound to Mary Barnard: An ABC of Metrics”

The Documentary

James Laughlin, “From Laughlin’s Catullus through Theocritus to Barnard’s Sappho”

The Bibliographer

Elizabeth J. Bell and Mary Barnard, “Bibliographic Record of Periodical and Book Publication”

The Reviewer

Ted Enslin (Mary Barnard, Time and the White Tigress)

Colin McDowell (Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, The Celestial Tradition: A Study of Ezra Pound’s The Cantos)

In Memoriam

Omar S. Pound, “Col. John L. Steele”

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FALL and WINTER 1988


The Periplum

Anne S. Chapple, “Ezra Pound’s Cathay: Compilation from the Fenollosa Notebooks”

Timothy Materer, “From Henry James to Ezra Pound: John Quinn and the Art of Patronage”

Elizabeth Bruce, “Yao and Shun in The Cantos: Chinese Emperors Placed in the Context of Frazer’s The Golden Bough

Max Nänny, “Ezra Pound: Right Brain Poet”

Carol H. Cantrell and Ward Swinson, “Cantos LII-LXXI: Pound’s Textbook for Princes”

Stephen Sicari, “Reading Pound’s Politics: Ulysses as Fascist Hero”

The Explicator

Jeffrey Meyers, “Ezra Pound and the Russian Avant-Garde”

K. Narayana Chandran, “Making Cosmos: Building/Creation in The Cantos

Bruce Fogelman, “The Structure of Pound’s ‘Und Drang'”

Steve Ellis, “The Punctuation of ‘In a Station of the Metro'”

C. J. Ackerley, “Canto 82: Pound, Swinburne (Shelley), Aeschylus, Whitman”

Alan J. Peacock, “Pound’s Propertian Distortions: A Possible Rationale”

The Biographer

Mohammad Shaheen, “Pound and T. E. Lawrence: Two Self-Crowned Laureates of the Time”

James J. Wilhelm, “Addenda and Corrigenda for The American Roots of Ezra Pound

The Reviewer

Massimo Bacigalupo (Humphrey Carpenter, A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound)

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (Kevin Oderman, Ezra Pound and the Erotic Medium)

William Harmon (Kay Davis, Fugue and Fresco: Structures in Pound’s Cantos)

Stefano Maria Casella (Ezra Pound, Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, trans. Giovanni Giudici; Ezra Pound, Omaggio a Sesto Properzio, ed. Massimo Bacigalupo)

Michael Thomas Davis (The Dying Sorcerer: Poems by Omar Pound, ed. Robert Spoo)

James Longenbach (James Laughlin, Pound as Wuz; James Laughlin, The Master of Those Who Know; James Laughlin, Selected Poems, 1935-1985)

Robert Spoo (Jonathan Marwil, Frederic Manning: An Unfinished Life)

The cover drawing was done by the wife of Petr Mikeš, our associate from the Czech Republic.

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