
Posts Tagged ‘David Roessel’




Essays and Documents

Two Unpublished Stories by H.D.: “Hesperia” and “Aegina” (introduced by David Roessel and Victoria Conover)

Jeffrey Bilbro, “C. Day Lewis and W.B. Yeats: ‘Heartening a Few to Courage and Acceptance'”

Rebecca Strauss, “‘External Modernity’ or Something of That Sort: Ezra Pound’s Transatlantic ‘Redondillas'”

Alastair Morrison, “Come Far Poteresti un Sofismo?: Guido Cavalcanti and the Poundian Argument”

Sarah Ehlers, “Ezra Pound’s Perverse Anthology”

Jerome Kavka, M.D., “The Dreams of Ezra Pound” (introduced by Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos)

Gary Grieve-Carlson, “’The Fathers Run Out in the Sons’: Charles Olson, Ezra Pound, and ‘The Song of Ullikummi’”

Paul Stephens, “Human University: Charles Olson and the Embodiment of Information”

Jeffrey Twitchell-Waas, “Keep Your Eyes on the Page: Zukofsky’s Bottom: on Shakespeare


Michael Alpert, “In Memoriam: Theodore Enslin”

Walter Baumann, “In Memoriam: Peter Rudge”

Bulletin Board

Title Abbreviations for Works by Ezra Pound

Notes on Contributors

Cover: Charles Olson’s first draft, in pencil, of the late Maximus poem “Maximus of Gloucester.”  Images used with permission and are courtesy of the Charles Olson Research Collection, Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut.


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SPRING and FALL 2000

Special Issue
Guest edited by Michael Coyle


Michael Coyle, “Introduction”

Pound and the Poets of African American Modernism

Kathryne V. Lindberg, “Rebels to the Right/Revolution to the Left: Ezra Pound and Claude McKay in ‘The Syndicalist Year’ of 1912”

Jonathan Gill, “Ezra Pound and Langston Hughes: The ABC of Po’try”

C. K. Doreski, “Reading Tolson Reading Pound: National Authority National Narrative”

Reed Way Dasenbrock, “Why the Post in Post-Colonial Is Not the Post in Post-Modern: Homer, Dante, Pound, Walcott”

African American Presences in Pound’s Work

Alec Marsh, “Letting the Black Cat out of the Bag: A Rejected Instance of ‘American-Africanism’ in Pound’s Cantos

Aldon Lynn Nielsen, “Ezra Pound and ‘The Best-Known Colored Man in the United States”

Burton Hatlen, “Ezra Pound, New Masses, and the Cultural Politics of Race circa 1930″

Kevin Young, “Visiting St. Elizabeth’s: Ezra Pound, Impersonation, and the Mask of the Modern Poet”

Primary Materials

David Roessel, “‘A Racial Act’: The Letters of Langston Hughes and Ezra Pound”

Reviews on African American Modernism

Mary Ann Calo, “Review Essay on Modernism, Visual Culture and the Harlem Renaissance”

Kevin J. H. Dettmar (Michael North, The Dialect of Modernism: Race, Language, and the Twentieth-Century Literature)

Review on Pound

Alec Marsh (The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, ed. Ira Nadel)

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SPRING and FALL 1990


The Periplum

Stephen Sicari, “History and Vision in Pound and Dante: A Purgatorial Poetics”

Peter Crisp, “Ezra Pound and the Li Xue”

Zhaoming Qian, “Translation or Invention: Three Cathay Poems Reconsidered”

Keith Tuma, “Ezra Pound, Progressive”

Ian F. A. Bell and Patricia A. Agar, “Romantic Modernisms: Early Pound and Late Keats”

The Explicator

Charles Timbrell, “Canto 80: EP, Rummel and the ‘Spoils of Finlandia'”

William Doreski, “Mauberley: The Single Voice”

David Roessel, “‘Or Perhaps Sulpicia’: Pound and a Roman Poetess”

Ellen Brinks, “On Pound’s Fourth Canto”

The Documentary

Todd H. Sammons, “A Periplum of Pound’s Pronouncements on John Milton”

James J. Wilhelm, “The Letters of William Brooke Smith to Ezra Pound”

Tyrus Miller, “Pound’s Economic Ideal: Silvio Gesell and The Cantos

Archie Henderson, “Pound Centennial Events: A Checklist”

Archie Henderson, “Pound Manuscripts and Letters in the United Kingdom and Ireland: Addenda to the Location Register

The Vortext

James J. Wilhelm, “Nancy Cunard: A Sometime Flame, a Stalwart Friend”

Yoshiko Kita, “Carroll F. Terrell in Japan”

Carroll F. Terrell, “The Land of Magic”

The Reviewer

Leon Surette (Robert Casillo, The Genealogy of Demons: Anti-Semitism, Fascism, and the Myths of Ezra Pound)

George Kearns (Kathryne V. Lindberg, Reading Pound Reading: Modernism after Nietzsche)

Walter Baumann (Sanford Schwartz, The Matrix of Modernism: Pound, Eliot, and Early Twentieth-Century Thought)

Michael Thomas Davis (Omar Pound and Robert Spoo, Ezra Pound and Margaret Cravens: A Tragic Friendship, 1910-1912)

James J. Wilhelm (Wendy Stallard Flory, The American Ezra Pound)

This cover image is of Yi Bang-un’s (1761-?) “Sa-In-Ahm,” courtesy of the Kookmin University Museum.

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SPRING and FALL 1989


The Periplum

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “The Cantos as Palingenesis”

Philip J. Burns, “‘Dear Uncle George’: The Pound-Tinkham Letters”

Carol H. Cantrell and Ward Swinson, “Cantos LII-LXXI: Pound’s Textbook for Princes”

William Bohn, “Thoughts that Join Like Spokes: Pound’s Image of Apollinaire”

Stephen J. Adams, “Irony and Common Sense: The Genre of Mauberley

Rodney Symington, “‘Five Years I Wrote to You…’: An Unknown Correspondent of Ezra Pound”

The Explicator

Paul Douglass, “Modernism and Science: The Case of Pound’s ABC of Reading

David Gordon, “Pound’s Chinese: A Dead Language?”

David Gordon, “LXIX’s ‘Kei…. Kai’ and Fang’s P.S.”

Ezra Pound (Presented by Timothy Materer), “On America and World War I”

Carroll F. Terrell, “Canto Thirty-Six, from Dark and Light

David Roessel, “Pound, Lawrence, and ‘The Earthly Paradise'”

Mary Cheadle, “Defining Ode 65 in ‘Relation to Life'”

Leszek Engelsking, Petr Mikeš, and Andrzej Sosnowski, “Eliot and Pound in Lesko, Poland”

The Reviewer

Robert Spoo (C. K. Stead, Pound, Yeats, Eliot and the Modernist Movement)

Thomas H. Jackson (James Longenbach, Modernist Poetics of History: Pound, Eliot, and the Sense of the Past)

This cover image is titled “Ezra Pound da Montin.” The painting is by Rinaldo Frank-Burattin.

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The Periplum

Michael Coyle, “‘A Profounder Didacticism’: Ruskin, Orage and Pound’s Reception of Social Credit”

Brian Arkins, “Pound’s Propertius: What Kind of Homage?”

Ellen Keck Stauder, “Towards a Grammar of Relationships: The Rhetoric of Music in Pound and Rousseau”

Paul Skinner, “Of Owls and Waterspouts”

Edward H. Baker, “Historical Mediation in Two Translations of Ezra Pound”

Todd H. Sammons, “A Note on the Milton Criticism of Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot”

The Explicator

Nicolas Z. Ambrus, “To the Unwobbling Pivot”

David Roessel, “‘Near Perigord’ and a Mycenaean Trade War”

György Novák, “A Note on ‘Syria’ in C74/432”


Chang Yao-Xin, “Pound’s Chinese Translations”

Mohammad Shaheen, “Pound’s Transmission of Ittisal in Canto 76″

Marius Buning, “Ezra Pound in the Lowlands”

The cover image is titled “Usura,” by Robert LaVigne. It was done in 1985 during the height of the Ethiopian famine and drought, hence the poignancy of the fan-bearer. The print is provided by Steven Chandler of Seattle.

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