
Posts Tagged ‘E. E. Cummings’




Demetres Tryphonopolous, “Announcing Paideuma’s ‘New’ Documentary Section”


“Basil Bunting on Ezra Pound: Interview by Lawrence Pitkethly with James Laughlin” (introduced by Richard Swigg)

Catherine E. Paul, “Compiling a Packet for Ezra Pound”

Peter Liebregts, “‘Love God and Do as You Please’: Ezra Pound and Augustine”

Ondrea E. Ackerman, “The Periplum of The Pisan Cantos

Charles S. Kraszewski, “Poland and Poles in the Consciousness of the Anglo-American Modernists”

Natalie Gerber, “Tracing the Trajectory of a Williams Poem: From the Variable Foot to Triadic-Line Verse”

Russell Brickey, “Last Stand of the Sublime: Kenneth Rexroth and ‘Strength through Joy'”

Matthew Hofer, “Mina Loy, Giovanni Papini, and the Aesthetic of Irritation”


V. Nicholos LoLordo (Joe Amato, Industrial Poetics: Demo Track for Mobile Culture; Jennifer Ashton, From Modernism to Postmodernism: American Poetry and Theory in the Twentieth Century; and Susan Schultz, A Poetics of Impasse in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry)

Réka Mihálka (Ezra Pound, Language and Persona, ed. Massimo Bacigalupo and William Pratt)

Alec Marsh (A. David Moody, Ezra Pound, Poet: A Portrait of the Man and His Work / Volume 1: The Young Genius 1885-1920)

Burt Kimmelman (Joel Bettridge, Reading as Belief: Language Writing, Poetics, Faith)

Cover: Portrait of Papini (1913) by Carlo Carrà. Photograph of drawing  by Studio Fotografico Luca Carrà, Milan. Used with permission of Archivio Carla Carrà.


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FALL and WINTER 1999


The Periplum

Colin McDowell, “Literalists of the Imagination: Pound, Occultism and the Critics”

Trevor Sawler, “Vis Naturae: The Nature of Nature in Selected Cantos”

Hiroko Uno, “Trees in the Poetry of Yeats and Pound”

Clare Cavanagh, “Modernist Church-Building: Pound, Khlebnikov, Mandelstam”

Miranda B. Hickman, “‘To Facilitate the Traffic’: (Or, ‘Damn Deluxe Edtns’): Ezra Pound’s Turn from the Deluxe”

Sam Prestridge, “The Movement toward Cathay: A Reconsideration of Pound’s Prosodic Evolution”

Hélène Aji, “The Ways of Oral Poetics: Poundian and Post-Poundian Traditions”

The Explicator

Ethan Lewis, “Grammaria Usurae: Representational Stratagems in Canto XLV”

The Vortex

Leon Surette, “Report on the 17th International Ezra Pound Conference, Brunnenburg, Tirolo di Merano, Italy, 12-15 July 1997”

Walter Baumann, “Photographs of 17th International Ezra Pound Conference”

The Reviewer

Leon Surette (Alec Marsh, Money and Modernity: Pound, Williams, and the Spirit of Jefferson)

Alec Marsh (Laurence Rainey, Institutions of Modernism: Literary Elites and Public Culture)

Greg Barnhisel (Pound/Cummings: The Correspondence of Ezra Pound and E. E. Cummings, ed. Barry Ahearn)

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