
Posts Tagged ‘A. David Moody’




Demetres Tryphonopolous, “Announcing Paideuma’s ‘New’ Documentary Section”


“Basil Bunting on Ezra Pound: Interview by Lawrence Pitkethly with James Laughlin” (introduced by Richard Swigg)

Catherine E. Paul, “Compiling a Packet for Ezra Pound”

Peter Liebregts, “‘Love God and Do as You Please’: Ezra Pound and Augustine”

Ondrea E. Ackerman, “The Periplum of The Pisan Cantos

Charles S. Kraszewski, “Poland and Poles in the Consciousness of the Anglo-American Modernists”

Natalie Gerber, “Tracing the Trajectory of a Williams Poem: From the Variable Foot to Triadic-Line Verse”

Russell Brickey, “Last Stand of the Sublime: Kenneth Rexroth and ‘Strength through Joy'”

Matthew Hofer, “Mina Loy, Giovanni Papini, and the Aesthetic of Irritation”


V. Nicholos LoLordo (Joe Amato, Industrial Poetics: Demo Track for Mobile Culture; Jennifer Ashton, From Modernism to Postmodernism: American Poetry and Theory in the Twentieth Century; and Susan Schultz, A Poetics of Impasse in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry)

Réka Mihálka (Ezra Pound, Language and Persona, ed. Massimo Bacigalupo and William Pratt)

Alec Marsh (A. David Moody, Ezra Pound, Poet: A Portrait of the Man and His Work / Volume 1: The Young Genius 1885-1920)

Burt Kimmelman (Joel Bettridge, Reading as Belief: Language Writing, Poetics, Faith)

Cover: Portrait of Papini (1913) by Carlo Carrà. Photograph of drawing  by Studio Fotografico Luca Carrà, Milan. Used with permission of Archivio Carla Carrà.


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Burton Hatlen, “Carroll F. ‘Terry’ Terrell”

Cameron McWhirter, “Recalling a Modern Master of Words”


Joanne Pearson, “H.D.: Dancing with Variable Feet”

Stephen Kite, “Architecture as Techne: Adrian Stokes, Ezra Pound and the Art of the Machine”

Mitchum Huehls, “Reconceiving Perceiving: William Carlos Williams’ World-Making Words of ‘Kora in Hell: Improvisations'”

Scott Eastham, “In Pound’s China — The Stone Books Speak”

Jianqing Zheng, “Ezra Pound’s Employment of Chinese Images”

Elizabeth F. Judge, “Make It Pound: Translation, Professionalism and the Right to Propertian Discourse in ‘Homage to Sextus Propertius'”


Mark Jacobs (Laura Riding and Robert Graves, A Survey of Modernist Poetry and A Pamphlet against Anthologies, ed. Patrick McGuiness and Charles Mundye)

A. David Moody (Ezra Pound: Poems and Translations, ed. Richard Sieberth)

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Editors’ Note


James Longenbach, “The Dream of Modernism”

Stan Smith, “Constitutions of Silence: Mr. Eliot’s Second Revolution”

Susan Stanford Friedman, “Modernism in a Transnational Landscape: Spatial Poetics, Postcolonialism, and Gender in Césaire’s Cahier/Notebook and Cha’s DICTÉE

Cristanne Miller, “Feminist Location and Mina Loy’s ‘Anglo-Mongrels and the Rose'”

Leon Surette, “Wallace Stevens, Roger Caillois and ‘The Pure Good of Theory'”

Burton Hatlen, “From the Transcendental to the Immanent Sublime: The Poetry of William Carlos Williams, 1913-1917”

Ronald Bush, “Remaking Canto 74”

A. David Moody, “Directio Voluntatis: Pound’s Economics to the Economy of The Cantos

Marjorie Perloff, “The Search for ‘Prime Words’: Pound, Duchamp and the Nominalist Ethos”

Demetres Tryphonopoulos, “‘Fragments of a Faith Forgotten’: Ezra Pound, H.D. and the Occult Tradition”

Zhaoming Qian, “Marianne Moore and The Tao of Painting

Patricia C. Willis, “A Modernist Epithalamium: Marianne Moore’s ‘Marriage'”

Douglas Mao, “Auden and Son: Environment, Evolution, Exhibition”

Peter Nicholls, “George Oppen and ‘That Primitive, Hegel'”

Christopher MacGowan, “Making It Free: Mitchell Goodman’s Radical Williams”

Charles Altieri, “Some Problems with Being Contemporary: Aging Critics, Younger Poets and New Century”

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The Periplum

James Wilson, “His own Skiffsman: Pound, China, & Cathay Revis[it]ed”

Line Henriksen, “Chiarosuro: Canto 36 and Donna Mi Prega

A. David Moody, “‘EP with Two Pronged Fork of Terror and Cajolery’: The Construction of His Anti-Semitism (up to 1939)”

John W. Maerhofer, Jr., “Towards an Esthetic of Translation: An Examination of Ezra Pound’s Translation Theory”

Bill Friend, “‘All Wandering as the Worst of Sinning’: Don Juan and The Cantos

Stephen Sicari, “Pound as Archeologist: Reconstructing Nature”

Anna Xiao Dong Sun, “The Man That Is Waiting: Remarks on Li Po’s ‘Chokan Shin’ and Pound’s ‘The River-Merchant’s Wife'”

Greg Barnhisel, “Ezra Pound, James Laughlin and New Directions: The Publisher as Spin Doctor”

Yoshika Kita, “Ezra Pound and Haiku: Why Did Imagists Hardly Mention Basho?”

Kevin Arthur Wong, “Blurring of Poet and Persona in Pound’s Hugh Selwyn Mauberly

Nicolas Z. Ambrus, “The White Light That is Allness: Ezra Pound’s Cantos on Love”

The Explicator

Anna Kventsel, “The Crystallization of Pound’s Canto LXXIV”

The Documentary

A. David Moody, “‘The Walk There Is Good Poetry’: The Missing Rochechouart Notebook of Pound’s 1912 Walking Tour”

The Obituary

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Vanni Scheiwiller, “Italian publisher of Ezra Pound”

The Reviewer

Wayne Pounds (Il Mare: Supplemento Letterario 1932-1933)

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SPRING and FALL 1996

Achilles Fang
August 20, 1910-November 22, 1995


The Periplum

Peter Th. M. G. Liebregts, “Yeatsian Moods and Plotinian Ecstasy: The Question of the Self in Ezra Pound’s A Lume Spento

Kendra Langetieg, “Visions in the Crystal Ball: Ezra Pound, H.D., and the Form of the Mystical”

Cristina Guenzi, “Music and Poetry Which Evoke Nature: David Sylvian and Ezra Pound”

Peter Crisp, “Pound — Millenarian or Utopian?”

Anita George, “The Pisan Mysteries: Sex, Death and Rebirth in The Pisan Cantos

Burton Hatlen, “Pound and Nature: A Reading of Canto XXIII”

The Explicator

Edwin J. Barton, “Of Labyrinths and Vacuum Tubes: Pound, McCluhan, and Canto LXXXII”

Kathleen Capps, “The François Villon-Ezra Pound Connection: From The Testament to The Cantos

Thomas Cole, “Further Notes on Pound and His Poetry”

Thomas Dilworth, “The Other ‘Person of Some Interest’ in Pound’s ‘Portrait d’une Femme'”

Leslie Hatcher and Hugh Witemeyer, “Lord Palmerston as Factive Hero in The Cantos

Sascha Feinstein, “In Honor of the Sacred Heart: A Memoir of Schloss Brunnenburg”

A. David Moody, “‘They Dug Him up out of Sepulture’: Pound, Erigena and Fiorentino”

The Reviewer

Songpin Jin (A Guide to Ezra Pound and Ernest Fenollosa’s Classic Noh Theatre of Japan, ed. Akiko Miyake, Sanehide Kodama and Nicholas Teele)

Jesus Pardo de Santayana (Ezra Pound, Cantares Completos Tomo I [Cantares I-LI])

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