
Posts Tagged ‘Jeffrey Meyers’

2018 [2020]


Benjamin Friedlander, Christopher McGoff, Katherine A. DuBois, and Ryan Stovall, “Preface”’

Symposium: Literary History

Hélène Aji, “Paideuma: The Ethics of Scholarly Criticism”

Gregory Betts, “Pounding the Concrete: A Short Note on Nomadic Scholarship”

James Brophy, “Walter Pater, Roland Barthes, and Aesthetic Idiosyncrasy: A Critical Experiment in Paideia”

David Buuck, “Paideuma Forum”

Cristina Giorcelli

Kaiser Haq, “Many Histories”

Jeanne Heuving, “Revisioning Aesthetics as Transnational and Intermedia Writing”

Erin Kappeler, “The Return of the Nineteenth Century”

J. Peter Moore

Chris Nealon

Nancy Ellen Ogle, “Some Thoughts on Poetry and Music”

Josephine Park

Joshua Schuster, “Extrapolations for Paideuma

Lytle Shaw, “Pasolini’s Homemade Historiography”

Brian Kim Stefans

Erica Weaver, “Chaucer, Williams, and the ‘American Idiom'”

Tyrone Williams, “Alongside and With: Lorenzo Thomas, the Lower East Side, and Umbra

Other Essays

Nathaniel Davis, “Language, Philosophy, and Kulchur: Pound’s Neo-Confucian Neoplatonism”

David Lloyd, “Dylan Thomas and Kenneth Rexroth: ‘something terribly unbritish'”

Amy Carpenter, “‘My craft required the same//crouching care’: Ordinary Rituals in Derek Walcott’s Omeros

Robert Baker, “Forrest Gander’s Phenomenology of Encounter”

Florian Gargaillo, “Louise Glück and Dialogue”


Thomas Palaima, “Pound and Owen: A Correction”


Zhu Yuhan and Yu Yanghuan, “Poetry and Interpretation: An Interview with Charles Altieri”

Jennifer Moxley, “Dear Kevin”


Jeffrey Meyers, “Literary Godfathers”


In Memoriam: Emily Mitchell Wallace


Cover: Photograph by Taraneh Hemami


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FALL and WINTER 1988


The Periplum

Anne S. Chapple, “Ezra Pound’s Cathay: Compilation from the Fenollosa Notebooks”

Timothy Materer, “From Henry James to Ezra Pound: John Quinn and the Art of Patronage”

Elizabeth Bruce, “Yao and Shun in The Cantos: Chinese Emperors Placed in the Context of Frazer’s The Golden Bough

Max Nänny, “Ezra Pound: Right Brain Poet”

Carol H. Cantrell and Ward Swinson, “Cantos LII-LXXI: Pound’s Textbook for Princes”

Stephen Sicari, “Reading Pound’s Politics: Ulysses as Fascist Hero”

The Explicator

Jeffrey Meyers, “Ezra Pound and the Russian Avant-Garde”

K. Narayana Chandran, “Making Cosmos: Building/Creation in The Cantos

Bruce Fogelman, “The Structure of Pound’s ‘Und Drang'”

Steve Ellis, “The Punctuation of ‘In a Station of the Metro'”

C. J. Ackerley, “Canto 82: Pound, Swinburne (Shelley), Aeschylus, Whitman”

Alan J. Peacock, “Pound’s Propertian Distortions: A Possible Rationale”

The Biographer

Mohammad Shaheen, “Pound and T. E. Lawrence: Two Self-Crowned Laureates of the Time”

James J. Wilhelm, “Addenda and Corrigenda for The American Roots of Ezra Pound

The Reviewer

Massimo Bacigalupo (Humphrey Carpenter, A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound)

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (Kevin Oderman, Ezra Pound and the Erotic Medium)

William Harmon (Kay Davis, Fugue and Fresco: Structures in Pound’s Cantos)

Stefano Maria Casella (Ezra Pound, Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, trans. Giovanni Giudici; Ezra Pound, Omaggio a Sesto Properzio, ed. Massimo Bacigalupo)

Michael Thomas Davis (The Dying Sorcerer: Poems by Omar Pound, ed. Robert Spoo)

James Longenbach (James Laughlin, Pound as Wuz; James Laughlin, The Master of Those Who Know; James Laughlin, Selected Poems, 1935-1985)

Robert Spoo (Jonathan Marwil, Frederic Manning: An Unfinished Life)

The cover drawing was done by the wife of Petr Mikeš, our associate from the Czech Republic.

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FALL 1984


The Periplum

Colin McDowell, “‘As Towards a Bridge Over Worlds’: The Way of the Soul in The Cantos

John Cayley, “Ch’eng, or Sincerity”

Hwa Yol Jung, “Misreading the Ideogram: From Fenollosa to Derrida and McLuhan”

Peter Faulkner, “Pound and the Pre-Raphaelites”

The Explicator

Peter D’Epiro, “Whose Vanity Must Be Pulled Down?”

Kevin Oderman, “Of Vision, Tennis Courts, and Glands”

David M. Gordon, “Note on an Ideogram”

Max Nänny, “More Menippus than Calliope: A Reply

The Biographer

Archie Henderson, “Pound’s Contributions to L’Art Libre (1920)”

Jeffrey Meyers, “New Light on Iris Barry”

Lorne A. Reznowski, “The ‘Chesterbelloc’ and Ezra Pound”

The Reviewer

James J. Wilhelm (David Anderson, Pound’s Cavalcanti: An Edition of the Translations)

Joseph Brogunier (Peter D’Epiro, A Touch of Rhetoric: Ezra Pound’s Malatesta Cantos)

James Generoso (Mary De Rachewiltz, Italian Translation of Cantos I-XXX)

The cover of this issue was taken from a Japanese fan provided by Akiko Miyake.

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