
Posts Tagged ‘James Longenbach’





Kevin Killian, “Activism, Gay Poetry, AIDS in the 1980s”

Franklin Bruno, “‘wrong sort turismo‘: Kenward Elmslie’s ‘Tropicalism'”

Tim Woods, “Cid Corman: Editor, Translator, Poet”

Anna Elena Eyre, “Jaime de Angulo’s Relational ‘I’: A Morphological Poetics”

Jeffrey Blevins, “Putting a Pineapple Together with Wallace Stevens”

Katherine M. Miller, “‘this will happen again – where? when?‘: Typological Thinking in H.D.’s Trilogy

Mara de Gennaro, “Man is Man Because . . .: Humanism Wars, ‘Sweeney Erect,’ and the Makings of Modernist Imagination”

Documents and Reviews

Brian Carpenter, “‘an innter striving’: An Overview of Edward Sapir’s Poetry Papers”

Edward Sapir, “Suggestive Notes”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Melville to Merrill: Italophile American Poets”

“Italophile American Poets Gallery”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “James Laughlin and ”Ma’ Riess of Rapallo'”

James Laughlin, “‘Ma’ Riess of Rapallo”

“‘Ma’ Riess of Rapallo Gallery”

John Tytell, “In Pursuit of Olga Rudge”


In Memoriam:

Tobin Brogunier, “Joseph Brogunier photograph”

David Grundy, “Amiri Baraka”

James Longenbach, “J. Walton Litz”

Michael Heller, “Allen Grossman”

Notes on Contributors


Cover: Amiri Baraka at the NPF Conference, “Poetry of the 1960s,” in Orono, Maine, June 2000. Photograph by Aldon Nielsen. Used with permission.



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Editors’ Note


James Longenbach, “The Dream of Modernism”

Stan Smith, “Constitutions of Silence: Mr. Eliot’s Second Revolution”

Susan Stanford Friedman, “Modernism in a Transnational Landscape: Spatial Poetics, Postcolonialism, and Gender in Césaire’s Cahier/Notebook and Cha’s DICTÉE

Cristanne Miller, “Feminist Location and Mina Loy’s ‘Anglo-Mongrels and the Rose'”

Leon Surette, “Wallace Stevens, Roger Caillois and ‘The Pure Good of Theory'”

Burton Hatlen, “From the Transcendental to the Immanent Sublime: The Poetry of William Carlos Williams, 1913-1917”

Ronald Bush, “Remaking Canto 74”

A. David Moody, “Directio Voluntatis: Pound’s Economics to the Economy of The Cantos

Marjorie Perloff, “The Search for ‘Prime Words’: Pound, Duchamp and the Nominalist Ethos”

Demetres Tryphonopoulos, “‘Fragments of a Faith Forgotten’: Ezra Pound, H.D. and the Occult Tradition”

Zhaoming Qian, “Marianne Moore and The Tao of Painting

Patricia C. Willis, “A Modernist Epithalamium: Marianne Moore’s ‘Marriage'”

Douglas Mao, “Auden and Son: Environment, Evolution, Exhibition”

Peter Nicholls, “George Oppen and ‘That Primitive, Hegel'”

Christopher MacGowan, “Making It Free: Mitchell Goodman’s Radical Williams”

Charles Altieri, “Some Problems with Being Contemporary: Aging Critics, Younger Poets and New Century”

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SPRING and FALL 1992


The Periplum

Walter Baumann, “Yeats and Ireland in The Cantos

Paul Skinner, “Pounding, Hoofing, Kipling: Attitudes to Rudyard Kipling in the Writings of Ezra Pound and Ford Madox Ford”

Tim Dean, “How Long Is the Pound Era?”

Marinelle Ringer, “The Rhythmic Structure of Pound’s Canto IV”

Norman Wacker, “The Subject Repositioned / The Subject Repossessed: Authority and the Ethos of Performance in The Pisan Cantos

Steven Yao, “‘And With You Especially, There Was Nothing at Cross-Purpose’: Pound’s Treatment of Women in Cathay

Maria Luisa Ardizzione, “Pound’s Language in Rock-Drill, Two Theses for a Genealogy”

The Explicator

Elizabeth Bruce, “Empedocles’s Golden Age of Aphrodite in Pound’s Later Cantos”

K. Narayana Chandran, “Ezra Pound’s ‘Meitatio’: Two Notes”

Songping Jin, “‘The Coral Face,’ ‘The Tree of the Visages’ and the Cherry Tree”

Sylvan Esh, “‘In a Station’: Provence, London”

Jyan-Lung Lin, “Pound’s ‘In a station of the Metro’ as a Yugen Haiku”

Richard R. O’Keefe, “Impingement: The End of Pound’s Canto LXXX

David Gordon, “The Golden Caesura (2)”


Lawrence S. Rainey, “A Poem Including History [facsimile reprint]”

Ira B. Nadel, “The Cantos of Ezra Pound . . . . . . A Poem Including History: A Checklist of Items on Exhibit at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library 20 October-22 December 1989”

Sebastian D. G. Knowles, “Ezra Pound to Alice Steiner Amdur, 23 January 1937”

Archie Henderson, “Addenda to ‘Pound Centennial Events: A Checklist'”

The Reviewer

Laura Cowan (James Longenbach, Stone Cottage: Pound, Yeats, and Modernism)

Cover: Japanese Tea Garden, Botanical Garden, Denver, Colorado. Photograph by Marie Alpert.

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SPRING and FALL 1989


The Periplum

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, “The Cantos as Palingenesis”

Philip J. Burns, “‘Dear Uncle George’: The Pound-Tinkham Letters”

Carol H. Cantrell and Ward Swinson, “Cantos LII-LXXI: Pound’s Textbook for Princes”

William Bohn, “Thoughts that Join Like Spokes: Pound’s Image of Apollinaire”

Stephen J. Adams, “Irony and Common Sense: The Genre of Mauberley

Rodney Symington, “‘Five Years I Wrote to You…’: An Unknown Correspondent of Ezra Pound”

The Explicator

Paul Douglass, “Modernism and Science: The Case of Pound’s ABC of Reading

David Gordon, “Pound’s Chinese: A Dead Language?”

David Gordon, “LXIX’s ‘Kei…. Kai’ and Fang’s P.S.”

Ezra Pound (Presented by Timothy Materer), “On America and World War I”

Carroll F. Terrell, “Canto Thirty-Six, from Dark and Light

David Roessel, “Pound, Lawrence, and ‘The Earthly Paradise'”

Mary Cheadle, “Defining Ode 65 in ‘Relation to Life'”

Leszek Engelsking, Petr Mikeš, and Andrzej Sosnowski, “Eliot and Pound in Lesko, Poland”

The Reviewer

Robert Spoo (C. K. Stead, Pound, Yeats, Eliot and the Modernist Movement)

Thomas H. Jackson (James Longenbach, Modernist Poetics of History: Pound, Eliot, and the Sense of the Past)

This cover image is titled “Ezra Pound da Montin.” The painting is by Rinaldo Frank-Burattin.

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FALL and WINTER 1988


The Periplum

Anne S. Chapple, “Ezra Pound’s Cathay: Compilation from the Fenollosa Notebooks”

Timothy Materer, “From Henry James to Ezra Pound: John Quinn and the Art of Patronage”

Elizabeth Bruce, “Yao and Shun in The Cantos: Chinese Emperors Placed in the Context of Frazer’s The Golden Bough

Max Nänny, “Ezra Pound: Right Brain Poet”

Carol H. Cantrell and Ward Swinson, “Cantos LII-LXXI: Pound’s Textbook for Princes”

Stephen Sicari, “Reading Pound’s Politics: Ulysses as Fascist Hero”

The Explicator

Jeffrey Meyers, “Ezra Pound and the Russian Avant-Garde”

K. Narayana Chandran, “Making Cosmos: Building/Creation in The Cantos

Bruce Fogelman, “The Structure of Pound’s ‘Und Drang'”

Steve Ellis, “The Punctuation of ‘In a Station of the Metro'”

C. J. Ackerley, “Canto 82: Pound, Swinburne (Shelley), Aeschylus, Whitman”

Alan J. Peacock, “Pound’s Propertian Distortions: A Possible Rationale”

The Biographer

Mohammad Shaheen, “Pound and T. E. Lawrence: Two Self-Crowned Laureates of the Time”

James J. Wilhelm, “Addenda and Corrigenda for The American Roots of Ezra Pound

The Reviewer

Massimo Bacigalupo (Humphrey Carpenter, A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound)

Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos (Kevin Oderman, Ezra Pound and the Erotic Medium)

William Harmon (Kay Davis, Fugue and Fresco: Structures in Pound’s Cantos)

Stefano Maria Casella (Ezra Pound, Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, trans. Giovanni Giudici; Ezra Pound, Omaggio a Sesto Properzio, ed. Massimo Bacigalupo)

Michael Thomas Davis (The Dying Sorcerer: Poems by Omar Pound, ed. Robert Spoo)

James Longenbach (James Laughlin, Pound as Wuz; James Laughlin, The Master of Those Who Know; James Laughlin, Selected Poems, 1935-1985)

Robert Spoo (Jonathan Marwil, Frederic Manning: An Unfinished Life)

The cover drawing was done by the wife of Petr Mikeš, our associate from the Czech Republic.

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FALL and WINTER 1985


The Periplum

Donald Davie, “Poundians Now”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Ezra Pound’s Tigullio”

Walter Baumann, “‘Not of One Bird But of Many’: Pound’s Janequin”

John Cayley, “The Literal Image: Illustrations in The Cantos

David Gordon, “The Great Digest: A Pattern”

Michele F. Cooper, “Ezra Pound and the Japanese Cosmogony”

Peter Stoicheff, “Pound’s Final Personae in Drafts & Fragments

Stephen Sicari, “The Secret of Eleusis, or How Pound Grounds His ‘Epic of Judgment'”

The Explicator

Mary Anne Kenner, “A Cameo”

Matthew Little, “‘Atasal’ in Canto LXXVI and Ernst Renan on Sufi Mysticism”

John Leigh, “Shepard, Pound and Bertran de Born”

G. Singh, “Pound and Milton”

H. Hauge, “‘Nothing but Death is Irrevocable’: A Note on Pound’s and Eliot’s Use of Turgenev”

Gyung-Ryul Jang, “Cathay Reconsidered: Pound as Inventor of Chinese Poetry”

Michael Fournier, “A Note on the Ell-Square Pitkin”

The Biographer

J. Laughlin, “E.P.: The Lighter Side”

J. J. Wilhelm, “Pound’s Four Fascinating Grandparents”

Philippe Mikriammos, “Ezra Pound in Paris (1921-1924): A Cure of Youthfulness”

James Longenbach, “The Order of the Brothers Minor: Pound and Yeats at Stone Cottage 1913-1916”

The Vortex

Michael Fournier, “Report on the Ezra Pound Centennial Conference”

Angela Elliott and Rosalind McKeown, “The Ezra Pound Centennial Tour of Italy”

The National Poetry Award

The Reviewer

David Walker (The Wild Old Man: Poems of Lu Yu, trans. David Gordon)

Colin McDowell (Ezra Pound/John Theobald: Letters, ed. Donald Pearce and Herbert Schneidau)

Reed Way Dasenbrock (Beongcheon Yu, The Great Circle: American Writers and the Orient)

The cover image for this issue is a photograph of Mary Anne Kenner’s cameo, given to her by Mary de Rachewiltz. See page 325 for the complete story.

This issue of Paideuma includes a poem by Jonathan Williams for the passing of Basil Bunting.

Thomas Parkinson, for the Board to administer The National Poetry Award, included a note on their selection of Robert Duncan’s Ground Work: Before the War as the prize winner. The section also includes brief praises of Duncan’s work by Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Maxine Kumin, James Laughlin, Michael Palmer, Jerome Rothenberg, and others.

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The Periplum

Angela Elliott, “Pound’s ‘Isis Kuanon’: An Ascension Motif in The Cantos

Walter Baumann, “Ezra Pound’s Metamorphosis during His London Years: From Late-Romanticism to Modernism”

Marcella Booth, “Ezrology: The Class of ’57”

James Longenbach, “Ezra Pound’s Canzoni: Toward a Poem Including History”

The Explicator

Carroll F. Terrell, “Salta Sin Barra!”

Robert F. Fleissner, “Frost’s Ancient Music”

N. M. Perret, “‘God’s Eye Art ‘Ou’: Eleusis as a Paradigm for Enlightenment in Canto CVI”

The Vortex

Colin Edwards, “Ninth International Pound Conference Report”

Philippe Mikriammos, “Cantos, Traduction: Les Mésaventures de l’Original”

The Reviewer

Akiko Miyake (Nobuko Tsukui, Ezra Pound and Japanese Noh Plays)

John J. Nolde (John Driscoll, The China Cantos of Ezra Pound)

Walter Baumann (Marianne Korn, Ezra Pound: Purpose, Form, Meaning)

This cover shows Odysseus at the Mast, a fifth-century vase painting from Vulci. Pound was interest in the German version of Hugo Rahner’s Greek Myths and Christian Mystery (1957), from which this image was taken.

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