
Posts Tagged ‘Wallace Stevens’





Kevin Killian, “Activism, Gay Poetry, AIDS in the 1980s”

Franklin Bruno, “‘wrong sort turismo‘: Kenward Elmslie’s ‘Tropicalism'”

Tim Woods, “Cid Corman: Editor, Translator, Poet”

Anna Elena Eyre, “Jaime de Angulo’s Relational ‘I’: A Morphological Poetics”

Jeffrey Blevins, “Putting a Pineapple Together with Wallace Stevens”

Katherine M. Miller, “‘this will happen again – where? when?‘: Typological Thinking in H.D.’s Trilogy

Mara de Gennaro, “Man is Man Because . . .: Humanism Wars, ‘Sweeney Erect,’ and the Makings of Modernist Imagination”

Documents and Reviews

Brian Carpenter, “‘an innter striving’: An Overview of Edward Sapir’s Poetry Papers”

Edward Sapir, “Suggestive Notes”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “Melville to Merrill: Italophile American Poets”

“Italophile American Poets Gallery”

Massimo Bacigalupo, “James Laughlin and ”Ma’ Riess of Rapallo'”

James Laughlin, “‘Ma’ Riess of Rapallo”

“‘Ma’ Riess of Rapallo Gallery”

John Tytell, “In Pursuit of Olga Rudge”


In Memoriam:

Tobin Brogunier, “Joseph Brogunier photograph”

David Grundy, “Amiri Baraka”

James Longenbach, “J. Walton Litz”

Michael Heller, “Allen Grossman”

Notes on Contributors


Cover: Amiri Baraka at the NPF Conference, “Poetry of the 1960s,” in Orono, Maine, June 2000. Photograph by Aldon Nielsen. Used with permission.



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Editors’ Note


James Longenbach, “The Dream of Modernism”

Stan Smith, “Constitutions of Silence: Mr. Eliot’s Second Revolution”

Susan Stanford Friedman, “Modernism in a Transnational Landscape: Spatial Poetics, Postcolonialism, and Gender in Césaire’s Cahier/Notebook and Cha’s DICTÉE

Cristanne Miller, “Feminist Location and Mina Loy’s ‘Anglo-Mongrels and the Rose'”

Leon Surette, “Wallace Stevens, Roger Caillois and ‘The Pure Good of Theory'”

Burton Hatlen, “From the Transcendental to the Immanent Sublime: The Poetry of William Carlos Williams, 1913-1917”

Ronald Bush, “Remaking Canto 74”

A. David Moody, “Directio Voluntatis: Pound’s Economics to the Economy of The Cantos

Marjorie Perloff, “The Search for ‘Prime Words’: Pound, Duchamp and the Nominalist Ethos”

Demetres Tryphonopoulos, “‘Fragments of a Faith Forgotten’: Ezra Pound, H.D. and the Occult Tradition”

Zhaoming Qian, “Marianne Moore and The Tao of Painting

Patricia C. Willis, “A Modernist Epithalamium: Marianne Moore’s ‘Marriage'”

Douglas Mao, “Auden and Son: Environment, Evolution, Exhibition”

Peter Nicholls, “George Oppen and ‘That Primitive, Hegel'”

Christopher MacGowan, “Making It Free: Mitchell Goodman’s Radical Williams”

Charles Altieri, “Some Problems with Being Contemporary: Aging Critics, Younger Poets and New Century”

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